    Whats your favorite hobby?

    +2  Views: 1056 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Bowling is one of my favorite activities.  I also enjoy trying to do craft stuff, reading, puzzles....


    Were you inferring that some of us are past it Mi Lady?xxxKOTF.

    Oh bowling. I was on a bowling team in highschool. I was terrible. No one could be worse and I really really mean it. I'm glad you enjoy it.

    My hobbies are playing the clarinet and piano.

    Mine is either reading or science . I`m awesome at : Science, Math ,Social Studies , Language Arts , Grammar., Spelling .Etc.


    My word, your a clever dick.

    Why ask all the questions on here then,is it just to see if we know the answers?lol

    Maybe you could work on your spelling.

    What refreshing input here from a young person. Very COOL BEANS.

    I collect ring tabs. I make it a point to stop for every can I see on the road just for the ring tab. I have thousands of them............. I also read and cook and sew............


    I collect sand dollars. When I go to the ocean I walk for a long way with my head down just so I can find the sand dollars. I pretend that each one is worth $10.00. We're too far from the ocean for me to go very often. I used to go every day.

    What do you do with your ringtabs? A necklace? Curtains? a glass jar filled with them? It's a unique hobby, you have to show them, girl!

    I saw a man driving his car and he had Altoid boxes glued ALL over it.
    Looking back, it seems quite dangerous. Those little boxes could come loose and hit a car behind him. (Maybe he used Gorilla glue or one of those glues that can lift a VW - don't know)

    I store my ring tabs in alcohol bottles (wine, gin, vodka, etc) and they look very artsie....I have 34 bottles filled. I LOVE sand dollars. I, too, like to walk forever to find them. I have about 6 of them with ribbons hanging on my Christmas tree right now. Have you ever broken one open to see the "doves" on the inside? You can push them together to make a Christmas flower....

    I like to paint mirror frames. The frame has to be at least 4" wide. Some of them are pretty and I've sold some stuff. The problem is the art work gets so close to me it's kinda like selling a grandaughter or a toe. 

    I feel like I'm too busy to do my painting work. I got started about 6 weeks ago but then I stopped. For me it's either akaqa, research, painting, or computer lessons.  The hours of the day are so damn limited.

    candy w: I'd like to learn punctuation and the use of commas, semicolons, (semicolons?!) other esoteric stuff. I believe my punctuation isn't terrible, but I want it perfecto. : ) 



    There is a book about grammar, punctuation, and grammar entitled "Eats shoots and leaves". One of our akaQA friends mentioned it in a comment about the "Panda walks into a restaurant" joke. The author's name is included in the comment. It sounds like a good resource for you. (I think you do just fine, though.)

    hanging out with you every day candy w

    and reading writing math yes math is one of my favorites i also enjoy dance try to come and see one of my preformences i also love science social studies spelling and i wont lie i am quiet the artist as well

    candy w.

    I get 100`s on every spelling test.

    Talking back at the "wife .( mind you not very often )

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