    SCOTLAND,S Got two new PANDAS,

    YA HOO!!!!!  We grow lots of Bamboo in our Tropical climate, not, and it,s only costing us £2m a year upkeep, don,t get me wrong,you won,t find a bigger animal lover than me, but this won,t be good for Scotland or the poor Pandas, let alone , children in need, and the homeless, of which we have many. Opinions?

    +7  Views: 909 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    Panda message below :).
    country bumpkin


    6 Answers

    it's great to have some culture for the kid's , but wouldn't you think feeding kids is far more important, besides what's what's the sense of having a zoo if not ALL can enjoy it..


    On top of the entry fee, another $37.50 per. head to see the Panda's at the Adelaide Zoo is quite expensive for the average family.

    Are they going to be part of the Panda Breeding Program? 


    Supposedly, but it,s been tried here before and it never worked, they,re complicated animals,they have difficulty breeding them in China for f***s sake,they defo won,t like it here,not in Edinburgh zoo, as good as it is, sorry for the rant, it just p****s me off, MONEY wasted.

    They have bred Pandas in Calgary. It's pretty darned cold there... except for the odd Chinook! Go and see them. You will fall in love.
    I don't mind the rant. Ranting is especially healthy for Kings... especially when you are the King Of Fleas... now that is some kind of responsibility!

    The pandas could ride on your wonderful new tramway. The advertising potential is enourmous.


    TRAMS???? Don,t start me on the trams.NONE YET!! Still digging up the roads,only spent £500m up till now ( Corporate greed and council stupidity). Did I detect a hint of sarcasm in your prose nom ?

    Just a hint, Romos, just a hint. I remember (faintly) the old Edinburgh tram system. It was installed in the days of pick and shovel and was far more comprehensive than the new system.

    Hey ROMOS, bet you wouldn`t say that if they were spending two million quid feeding your fleas,

    Oh! no fleas are important poor little pandas don`t matter, let the little suckers die out or better still send them to Australia they have heaps of money and very little brains in Australia.

    That stupid Peoplelover would donate to the up keep of these smelly Chinese animals .

    Yer, send them "down under" come to think of it send the bloody trams with them. ( Oh christ I just wet myself laughing)


    Did you get the blast I gave you about making me cry mate?


    Ye, check my return,you,ve just cheered a bubbling old fart up,and YES my fleamaly are very important to me, and you can have the f*****g pandas and trams.

    Peoplelover , the Panda's are here already, they reside at the Adelaide Zoo. the pair have been there now for two years on loan from China.

    Apparently they are only ready to breed for 12 hours per year, so the chances of them succeeding is not very litley. I love all animals and these two look really cuddly, but £2m could be better spent at the moment.

    That"s why we got the Panda"s .To dig the rail track s for the Trams. "We chinese have a saying ,we know how to make things work. thats not bad two million .Compared to 500 million ,the contractors made "Monkeys out of the local council


    You said it Bro!!

    Makes us feel "daft Romos.WE Scots always like a good laugh HaHa ( I need a pint to "cry in.)

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