    is marujauna bad for you?

    does marajuana damge organs in you body


    +1  Views: 879 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    It was certainly bad for me. It became a party habit that distracted me from being studious and productive. A mistake that cost me achievment opportunities for decades.


    Good answer and I could'nt agree more.

    Articulate and Honest. Aside from this answer, which is exactly right on, welcome to akaQA MisterTime. Glad you are here.

    Thank you! Finally.

    Yes .......It damages the most important organ of them all........The Brain.

    It probably doesn't damage any organs.The cops do that when they catch you with it.A 14 year old Australian kid got caught with it in Bali back in October.He is finally on his way home today.He got off very lightly.He could have spent years in detention over there. I bet he won't bother with it again.It must have scared him (& his parents) shitless.

    Yes and not only that, it seems to destroy speech patterns as well.  Listen to your pot head friends talk when THEY are smoking and you are NOT.  Do they sound intelligent to you? Think about it.




    It will damage your stomach after you smoke it and cannot pass a drug test and work. However, I guess if you don’t have to put food on the table then all is good in bubble land.

    I live in Beautiful British Columbia ... the land of BC Bud.  This leads to more problems than you can even dream about. 

    What marajuna does to your brain is coat the nerve endings inside your cranium with something that is akin to fat.  This makes the nerve endings slow to receive... It also makes you sit on the couch and think because you are oh so very bright think that you are oh so very bright, oh that is a good idea...what the fu5@... I forgot what I was thinking..."Got any Munchies?"

    Am I a true idiot now?

    In reality, there are people dying for no reason what so ever ... only because they were doing a  job cleaning and restoring gas fireplaces in a building in Surrey, British Columbia... killed... and an innocent young man was walking down the hall of his apartment building... wrong place and wrong time...  pushed into an apartment... murdered by drug dealers, pot growers, rave guys...(Same day!) 

    Or... an inocent young man test driving a Porsche Cayenne which happens to be owned by a pot growing drug dealer et al... because his boss  at the car dealership asked him to....... is the victim of a drive by shooting..,..

    The sick stupid thing... now we are supposed to feel sorry for the drug dealers... they are your neighbours... look at how sad the Mother is..... I am so sick of this.

    Now you tell me that pot smoking is ok.  It is not.  It is illegal and people die.  Maybe not you because it's all fun.  I can tell you that inocent people die from this stupid fun drug on a regular basis where I live and it is not funny. 

    Light something up and inhale, it is bad for you.  Light something up and it is illegal, it is bad for everyone.

    Smarten up.  Get off your couch and do something useful with your life... make a change for the better.

    ed shank

    Excellent comment my dear. I put drug dealers a half a notch below pedophiles.

    I live in California and have chronic pain. Marijuana is legal here. I even have a license.  Unfortunately, it doesn't help my pain. It does help many others who are in pain.

    It's not really a "for fun" type of drug ... just try to tell 'em that. : /  That's use of this drug when it's not necessary keeps many people suffering in pain.  Sad.

    Actually, I think it should be legal. Mr. Tim might have gotten himself addicted to alcohol or Heroin or any number of things. Sorry for what happened to you, Tim. You blame a substance and not yourself? And what is MY excuse?


    You're just too bloody honest Itsmee! LOL.

    itsmee, yanno. : D

    Hi itsmee. i just saw a dr. oz show about 2 weeks ago that talked about reducing pain. they were suggesting a magnetic therapy. a company called biopro has them. i think they run around 2,000. that's high, but somebody might be rich. it was a mattress like item. anything to alliviate pain is good.

    Thank you, Tabber. I will look up Biopro and talk to my doctor next week.
    There are many things that come out that promise to end pain. They usually don’t work. Sometime one will come along that is just right. I haven’t given up.
    In my case, Blue Cross will have to accept it. I’ll see.

    Certainly has affected your ability to spell.

    Of course it damages your body what deserted island have you been living on.?

    The only ones who say it doesn`t are the one selling it, now there is a vested interest for you, or those who are using and their brains are so muddled they don`t know their arse from their elbow.

    I've heard and read different verdicts about marijuana.  The legalized pot here in California i under attack in many counties.  I know several people "in the business" who are going "out of business" cuz they are scared.  
    Personally, it burns my throat if I am not careful, and I am your basic one-hit wonder.  One hit and I wonder where I am and what's going on for two hours.  Waste of time, waste of money.  


    I worry excessively about the smoke going up my chimney and alerting all the townspeople who will come and arrest me or beat me up.

    Not to worry unless it's a "no burn day"! :D

    I think all drugs are bad for you including tobacco, even the drugs that are supposed to make you better are dangerous.I know a few people who have been fiiled up with drugs by their doctors, and they don't know what day it is most of the time.


    Right you are. I know a couple of "addicts" and it is not street drugs that are the problem. It is "doctor prescribed cure alls". Both were pot smokers when they were younger and both have expressed to others that they need to "be careful" about taking meds. They are already hooked and stunned!

    Lets see, you smoke it. Start driving down road and get a flat tire for some reason.  You are still disorientated from the pot. Get the car jacked up , tire off , then you see a dollar bill under the car. What did you do? You thought that was so cool you started crawling under the car to get it. .You are so excited . You get almost out and you hit the jack, then the wheel axle falls on your groin crushing your testicles. You are in tremendous pain. The only way to get out is to cut your testicles off. The effects of the pot are wearing off now. You realize your in a bad place.You cut off your testicles with your pocket knife. Put tire back on and drive to hospital. So yes, it is bad for you. Dont be a dumbass.



    Dont take it its not worth it in the long run the damage you will do to your self and others quit now


    In addition to the possible effects on your brain, smoking marijuana may also be hazardous to your developing lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.41  

    Furthermore, one of the most potent carcinogens in tobacco smoke, benzo(α)pyrene, is present in even greater amounts in marijuana smoke. As marijuana smokers frequently inhale and hold the smoke in their lungs, this increases the amount of tar deposited in the respiratory system by about a factor of four. No wonder, research shows that approximately 20% of regular pot smokers (and it only takes 3 to 4 joints a day) complain of chronic bronchitis, coughing and excess mucus (Tashkin, 2005)............<snip>.................In sum, just because there is not a large scale, longitudinal study proving marijuana smoke causes cancer, does not mean it can be ruled out. Marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, contains known carcinogens. There is considerable evidence that cigarette smoking is related to lung cancer and many other health hazards. It took decades to demonstrate this. In sum, just because there is not a large scale, longitudinal study proving marijuana smoke causes cancer, does not mean it can be ruled out.  

    Marijuana likely increases the risk of testicular cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, a type of brain tumor, and the risk of leukemia in the offspring of women who use it during pregnancy. 

    ed shank

    Excellent information, thank you for posting it. The stoners out there will of course dispute this. Hopefully you prevented one young person from starting something stupid.

    Well they can dispute it but that's 3 different research sites saying the same thing.

    Weed makes you stupid.

    Makes you stupid, but wait you have to be stupid to use it so maybe

    YES it is bad for you and kills brain cells do you want to end up a blooming idiot.

    In my opinion, "NO IT'S NOT", I used it for years, went to college for studied criminal justice, worked fire/rescue paramedic, even worked law enforcement all while smoking it an I'm far to this day from being STUPID.  Everybody goes by what the GOV. and different groups put out there but, yet they support tobacco use, alcohol use, both of which have been proven "DEADLY".  Have you ever heard of anyone killing people by being high on cannabis, whether by guns, knives, driving or beating then answer the same to alcohol, pcp, cocaine and etc., besides it is written in the BIBLE "HERBS ARE PERMISSABLE" and marijuana/cannabis is a HERB NOT A DRUG, it's a self producing plant and needs no compounds, additives to use it like alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc. needs/requires.

    ed shank

    The government doesn't support or encourage the use of cigarettes or booze, they do tax the hell out of you. Never heard of a pothead killing someone while high. Have seen many cause car accidents. What's the difference if killed by car or knife, gun?

    I kinda think you should have used it for medical reasons, but then you would have started drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and found stuff like Crack. In your case, you used pot wisely. (imho)
    I was rather surprised by your post because of your name, dad59.

    ED, didn't the gov. legalize tobacco and alcohol? The difference in type/matter of killing is purely for example because one always hears the excuse, "I was under the influence of ----- " and so on attempting to justify their crime. Like those who beat their spouse/children, I've grown tired of their excuses but, I never did arrest anyone who had done such purely from using cannabis.

    itsmee, why/what about my post vs. name that was surprising?

    I think it should be legal just so it can be taxed. We could probably pay off the national debt. My husband was born with deformed feet back in 1948, he had corrective surgery i 1972,which made it worse. He was always in a lot of pain. When he was 55 and on disability he started smoking pot,

    not legal in SD, but it did kill the pain for the first time in his life. That was great, but he had a very addictive personality. He over did it the way he over did everything and was soon smoking it all day long even though he had no pain. the rest of his life was kind of a blur. I don't think it harmed any organs but he missed a lot cause he didn't remember the next day. Legalize it, use it if you need it, But remember it is a drug and respect it. Don't overdo.


    That must have been very difficult to watch.

    @ dad59.... So now pot is even okayed by the Bible?  Great!   It's a herb?  Great!  Pot heads slur their words, don't make sense half of the time, often go on to use many other drugs but no problem...some are successful in spite of being drug abusers.  There are drug abusers (including tobacco users, alcohol users) in every profession and so???


    I've known and been around numerous using cannabis while using it/not using an to say they slurred,NO, unless they had used a lacer or was using something else. Known several that didn't use anything but cannabis an was offended if someone did!!! CANNABIS doesn't make someone a druggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your opinion and mine are different on this one. Ask a druggie how they started. I don't think that I've heard anyone say "I started with heroin or cocaine. Drug counsellors refer to it as "the gateway drug". I guess they're all wrong.



    No? Wow!

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