    how to hide money from husband?

    +2  Views: 759 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    You have 2 questions want to know how to find your husbands money,and you also want to know how to hide money from your husband.Your marriage seems to be based on deceit.If you are experiencing financial difficulties,you are going to have to talk with your husband about it,rather than playing "hide and seek".



    good answer. You'd make a good councelor

    There is something very 'not right' here.

    And you are a strange little woman, aren't you.  


    I would say very "strange indeed

    Yes. How is it these people have spouse's???

    Send it to me.

    I take it you were successful after the first question so I think you,re devious enough to complete your mission!!

    Come on. This is a gift given at birth to all women. I don't pay the bills anymore, the wife handles that now. I do know how much should be in the accounts within a few bucks. How this woman can come up with a significant amount of money for gifts or loans (Lazy brother in law) behooves me. Hope she's not hustling on the side.

    Wasn’t there a guy last night asking how he could hide money before his wife found it and hide it? Small world.

    If he doesn't like to read, hide it in a book, or your personal file cabinet in the basement. Or, in your personal bank acct. He prob won't snoop. That's a woman's job. I've hidden money, and I've snooped.

    I have my stash. I'm not telling.

    I'm just honest about what I have and am willing to share with my housemate.  Money isn't all that important to me until it becomes bill time...........

    Write the check a little bigger so that you can get cash. If you aren't greedy and do small amounts at a time you should be able to stash a nice little bundle with out drawing attention. That's how my sister-in law did it so she could gamble. Another way is any money found in the Washer is yours.

    I hope you are not gambling. But using the money to get out of your marrage, sounds like it is dead anyway.

    Put the money in your box of feminine products. Men don't look at those too often! LOL

    Open a bank account in his name .If he is as crazy as you .He wont notice It.Takes all sorts to make a "world ."Tip go your separate ways.Get a "life.


    she wouldn't be able to take it out if it was in his name would she?

    she could have a "sex change forge his signature

    My OL gets all of the money every month and decides how it is to be spent or used. I choose to do this because she is able to handle money without blowing it…unlike me…and we don’t have to haggle over money issues any more. If I need money for a project then I’ll either ask for it, produce something and sell it, get a little job or sell something of mine. I have all the money I need and the bills are paid. She stashes money on the side that I don’t care to know about and  the money I earn by my ways I use for my own. She produces art and sells it, that, I have no part in. Her money is her money and so is mine. 

    I have been through not giving women rights or responsibility, being the MAN in the house and the job sucks. My pride and prejudice anvil just fell away like a useless heavy weight when I understood the harm I was doing to myself and others.


    Right-on, sounds like my Hubby and it works well for us too. What's his is mine and what's mine is mine. Just kidding. yvonne57

    That’s what Sandy(OL) says too! Humor is so important to a happy loving relationship. Our beginnings were often conflicted, but, in time, our friendship brought us together to see our differences as a Universal oxymoron that we can laugh about.

    Hide it in your blouse.  If you are married, he will never look there.  Good Luck.

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