    how early do you wake up

    +8  Views: 1226 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    Welcome, Karsten. Good question! What time do YOU wake up in the morning?

    25 Answers

    5:30 am


    Ah.... Working for a living, huh?

    morning CB,hows the job going?Hope youre enjoying it x
    country bumpkin

    You got that right. It's 5:48 now. I like to check my messages before I head to the shower in the mornings.
    country bumpkin

    I like my job. I'll be so glad when I figure it all out. These poor guys did'nt know what they were getting themselves into when they hired me. I've never faxed a copy nor have I used a credit card machine etc., they're having to teach me EVERYTHING! LOL

    That's okay, you'll soon know all of that stuff and not even have to think about it! You can teach people to use fax machines, credit card machines etc. You cannot teach people "personality". I'm sure that they are very happy with you. One day at a time CB!!
    country bumpkin

    Thanks Ducka. I think they like me. We all seem to get along well. I found some Christmas decorations yesterday. It was fun to decorating the place.

    C B--- is it a store ,or an office, or what ?
    country bumpkin

    Mycats: It's drug and alcohol testing collection facility. However, we also perform pregnancy and paternity testing. It's in a building with other doctors offices.

    Glad to hear you doing well with job.

    Between 5:30 am to 11:00 am. I have no schedule to keep......


    It is unhealthy to sleep too long.

    I don't sleep that long, it depends on what time I go to bed.......

    If i could get 9 hours every night I'd be happy as a clam. And as we all know, clams are exceedingly happy.

    Usually around 6 am. How about yourself?

    about every hour .. to use the toilet...


    Now I know why you,re medically proficient, same here!

    dang! my bladder does not wake me up till 5:30 am. Now we know WAY too much about each other. This has to stop!

    do you drink a lot of coffee or alchohol?

    coffee..morning , noon and night, i'm sure that's most of the problem but like aka i can't put either down..

    Sometimes 5:00 AM or 6:00 AM.

    used to be 5.30 latest before i jacked my job.Now it varies ,last night i went to bed c.11,couldnt sleep,got up,dresssed,came downstairs.Now coming up 5am ,not worth going back to bed(totally wired again anyway!)Will probably fall in a heap about 7,wake up again 10.Fed up with it!!!!!!


    Do you read? That seems to help people calm down at night and get sleepy.

    you seem restless- reading will help and if something is weighing on your mind, off load it. Solution must be found.

    reading helps me to wind down and get sleepy. Two Tylenol makes a lot of people sleepy. It does me.

    Sorry for your sleep trouble! It is VERY taxing and tiring to be so off kilter with your sleep schedule. Hard to get back on. Best of luck with it. You have my sympathies!

    3.05 am


    Why do you get up so early?

    be with myself and meditate.

    Then do you go back to sleep? I meditate when I get up at 5:30 - house is still quiet.

    roddy, try it you will feel great!

    What a bunch of early risers!!!  My alarm goes off at 7 AM,  and 7:30 AM.  I awaken about 6:30 AM.  When I get up is the variable.


    If I'm very fortunate, iit's not before 10:00am.  It's not because I'm supposedly "lazy" as I regularly stay up till 3 or 4am  doing housework, general stuff most people do during the daytime.  I get by on a lot less sleep than all the other people I interact with. Others  might call  this  lazy. If I have to be up at 5:30am, which is often,  to be at work on time, then i do so. I get my "stuff' done at odd hours, while you are sleeping. My husband says he does NOT know how I do it,  how I get by on so  little sleep.   I suppose he is right, but I just do it.  It is what seems natural to me. Yet detrimental.



    Your schedule would kill me, Michelle.

    My day starts at 7.30 AM,i have to get my Grandson up and ready for school.

    between 6am and 7am on weekends I have noticed if I dont go to bed at 10pm I cant sleep and wake up every 2hrs or so so I must go to bed at 10

    4:30 every morning. Have to take my meds. Then make coffee, and if the wife requests toast, I will accommodate. That is the extent of my cooking.

    I must have done something right in my life, I go to bed about 10:30 and sleep until awaken by something, usually my wife or the dogs.

    6am to get the kids ready for school. on the weekends 9:30 am. I dont cook breakfast on the weekends.

    Between 3:00 am and 5:00 am. Body aches and need of coffee.


    I head to the coffee pot first thing. I don't even know my name until that first cup-o-joe is sloshing around in my belly.

    My shedule changes daily therefore so does my wake up time.

    Waking up and getting up are two different things. Now, that I'm retired, I don't go to bed till late, and when I wake up late, I stay in bed for awhile b/c it feels good. When I worked dayshift as an LPN, I got up at  4:50 a.m.

    When the "wife "shouts" get up you lazy so and so. .Now that could be between 6am and You see I make the breakfast "Oh she is still in "bed got to wake her "gently its ready "dear ( thinking into myself you old "bat blood sucker ) Then she says I am away for a drive .On her "Broomstick.

    Too damn early I have to be at work really early.

    I automatically wake up 9:30am on the dot everyday. No alarm clock. It doesn't matter how late I go to sleep, and I do go to bed very late.

    Another strange thing, when I look at the digital clock, I always catch the time 12:34am and  12:34pm. 1 2 3 4, I thought they were lucky numbers, but not for me! 

    Around 5am.

    between the hours of 2:30 am and 7am. depending on my dog. She's coming to the end of her life and right now she has dementia and gets confused at night and all she does is bark til I can show her where she is then she goes back to sleep for an hour.

    Usually :5: 30 am. Usually when the dogs have to do theire business. It used to be Charlie and Chester, now that Chester is no longer with us, its only Charlie, a Lhapso Ahpso.

    Mon - thur  4:10 am  ,  fri - sun whenever- around 6 am.

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