    Have you ever broken a promise, why.

    I don't think there is a good reason to break one, but there may be.

    I believe we can make a promise to quick sometimes.

    +6  Views: 722 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    I'm sure I have but, not to my recollection.....I believe in keeping your word but sometimes, circumstances don't allow for it to follow through....

    yes plenty ,why cause i'm human, only god can keep all his promises and i'm not him.

    Headless Man

    For some reason I can't give you a TU, I do and when I come back it hasn't taken, so I do it again and the same thing happens, your numbers never change when I do.

    Sometimes we make promises to kids (maybe others) just to get them off our backs if we are busy or something, but if you do I think you should keep it or not be so quick to make them.

    In my recollection, I have never broken a promise. 

    I try like hell not too. I can't recall one now, but I'm sure I'm guilty.

    I do not accept a need for promises because they are chains upon a person to terms and conditions that are set in stone. Their unnecessary evil has plagued humanity for thousands of years forcing the children of time to stand fast against the tide of humanity and the progress of all ages. Breaking a promise may be a last resort for many but if never indulged in then freedom rules the heart and wisdom rules the mind as God intended that we should live.

    Headless Man

    Are you married, if you are you may have made a promise there.

    Divorced and moved back in together.

    Not this week yet.

    I promise I wont answer this question. OOPs

    Headless Man

    LOL... now your in trouble....

    I have never broken a promise.(& if you believe that you would believe anything).

    I will send you a list of the promises I have broken.(That's a promise).

    Dont print the list.You won't have enough paper!

    Headless Man

    Thats sad, you should think before acting so quickly.

    Ahh! my mis-spent youth.It's all behind me now Randy.I'm a better man now than I was then.(I think).LOL

    I can not make a  promise .......because I can not control   everything  !!

    I always leave my promises open ended, like if I possibly can or if God willing.

    Yes, there are broken promises along the road my life has traveled.  WHY?  All I could come up with to answer THAT are self-indulgent excuses that have no merit.  I won't waste your time.


    It's too easy to make a promise & sometimes very hard to fulfill it.Circumstances alters cases like broken noses alters faces.You make a promise & something happens along life's journey to make that promise unkeepable.That's life.I don't dwell on broken promises.I simply try my utmost to fulfill the ones I make to the people that are most important to me.My family.

    You are right, Tommy. Making promises to family members are promises to be kept. It is getting easier as the years accumulate. True, no need to dwell on those broken ones, but to learn not to make promises one can't keep!

    I avoid making promises as I know I over commit myself, then panic as I am unable to fulfill obligations Ive made,  I  tend to say I will do what I can and make sure I do, nothing worse than relying on people that have promised to do things and don't

    I am quite sure  I have but not on purpose.

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