    Are men and women EQUAL.? why ?

    +4  Views: 829 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    HUMANS  have intelligence, some more than others, good looks, some more than others, opportunities, some more than others.  The gender has little to do with it.  We were created TO BE equal, I believe.  Are we?  Not sure about that.

    We are all of the very same essence of God. In the beginning we are all born and in the end we all die, that seems pretty equal.


    you are philosophical but after being born and until death are they equal,should they be equal ornot?

    Women are not on equal terms with men. They make less for the same work a man does. They endure sexual harassment that men don't. And in some instances if they don't put out they go nowhere in the organization. In my years of corporate BS, women with a nice "Package" were hired rather than the less attractive candidate even though more qualified. The world is not always fair.


    so pkg is important. so vis-a-vis men are these pkgs.making men unequal AND ed shank did someone tell u that life was fair.
    ed shank

    This kind of thing really pisses me off. My wife had to on several occasions through the years set a man straight in regards to a proposition for a better position. I on one occasion confronted a male co-worker who grabbed her butt several times. I explained that one more incident, the consequences will be fatal. It stopped from that point on. My wife is a CPA and made it on her own merit.

    Not in the working world.

    No comment.  Although I am glad they can now vote.


    Didn't that happen in the 1920's? Have any advances been made since then? :)

    "They", "They" ???? ed shank you are a stank.

    all men/women were created equal, dosen't mean they wind up equal, why only god knows for sure.

    We are all Equal in strenght men are stronger but about it

    To answer your question I think both sexes have different strengths. men are for the most part physically stronger, women can and are built to take more pain, I don't think one sex is smarter than the other but once you weigh out the different strengths...yes I do believe we are equal.

    If you were to create a jigsaw puzzle with the attributes of men and women, you would have a complete picture when you put all the pieces together.  
    If you tried to use just the men pieces or just the women pieces, there would be important pieces missing from both.  You would have half the picture in each.
    Men and Women complement each other (not compliment).  THIS IS MY OPINION.  


    That's probably the most intelligent answer yet!

    THANK YOU, Tommyh!

    Good one Bob/PKB!

    :D Happy day, Ducky

    Women are equal to men in intelligence in fact they are smarter. In strength they are not, but that does not mean they are there for men to bash and treat as slaves.

    Wow, such a loaded question which I fear will still be asked until the end of humanity.


    agree. They were meant to be different but equal in terms of basic rights but different duties. If they were equal, life would be boring. These days i think the movement is for eqality eg chair person. IMHO

    By U.S. law, we are equal.  In the real world, it's a different story...Sad but true..........


    in the real world, is respect lacking? perhaps that has something to do.

    I learned this in my Senior year in HS Human Biology. In men there is a vas deferens. Does that make us equal? I think not.

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