    If you have been Dating a guy for 2 months and he calls you on tuesday ask you to go to the place he always takes you but did not say what day and 5 days go by with no call, Should you go out with him when he does call?

    +1  Views: 268 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    he's either buying or lieing take your choice !!


    Do you have the word "WELCOME" embossed on your blouse? He using you as a welcome mat.

    I would say no myself.

    There is no clarity here . The expression Cant see the forest through the trees comes to mind. Opening my mouth and saying something will surely change your life ,and that of your friend . Not my place to do that ,read something into this . Let your heart be your guide ,listen to your small voice . All words have repercussions like throwing a pebble into the pond there will be ripples. Let this unfold as it will no need to make a decision with out all the facts or before its time .  Best of luck !!!

    Two months is not longevity in dating . I tried to imagine how and why I might do this to some one ,and could not come up with a single honest reason why I would do this . Speaking as a man this is not my style . Do as you wish as far as dating goes ,asking us to make decisions that affect lives is a bit unfair . Only Dr Laura and Judge Judy make moronic decisions that affect lives and think nothing of it. I am not going to meddle in your life ,this decision is solely with you .

    Silly Sami

    WOW,,, just looking at other peoples thoughts on this,,, Thanks anyways

    no way he probally doesnt like you and hes just taking advantage of you

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