    I need to be able to listen to my LOCAL police, fire, and ems scanner for my local area. Will you please help me?

    0  Views: 491 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    If you live in the USA,you can go to   and they'll show you a map,click on your state and city,then there will be a list of what ever you want to listen to (police,fire,EMS) click & listen...Don't forget to click the little speaker thing.


    Thanks Rick! :)

    I have to say no and I am sorry.

    I - one have no idea how to do that and 2 - I haven't a clue where you live.

    I will, because that is the type of caring person that I am, move this question forward so that someone else can answer your question in an articualate and "all knowing" sense of affairs.

    Have a very nice day or evening (what ever may apply to you).

    One thing I would like to mention... if you feel the need to add more information to this question you certainly are advised to do just that by commenting on your own question.  This will make things much much easier for someone else to answer.  Please add as many details as you can conjure up.

    Take care.  The best of luck.  Sincerely le' Fishgirl

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