    Who is playing on this website when they should be cooking??

    ... or otherwise getting ready for tomorrow??

    +4  Views: 710 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Thanks for giving me heck!  I should be painting!.... work work work. :)


    I just wondered who else was out there. What are you painting?

    I am handpainting bowls, ginger jars and egg separators after bisque and before the glaze firing. It seems to take forever but they turn out beautifully. Because the next show is important I am bringing out the big guns!... That is to say the items that are more art related and then small items for that stocking stuffer type idea.

    It will be an excellent day when I get to one of your shows.

    wouldn't that be something?!!!

    I absolutely love ginger jars, I would love to see some of your pottery

    Just getting things organized with the website et al. Having photos done next week... exciting! :)

    I got the laptop mounted over the oven..


    Perfect solution!

    especialy when the topic gets hot..

    Delightful! I need to do that!

    you've got it worked out well

    all i can do is my best..

    Me!  Are you trying to make me feel guilty?  It's not working!   LOL


    I'll feel guilty for you... add it to my pile of shame!

    Well, I made my 4th and final trip to the grocery store ... cleaning is almost done - one bathroom to go - and, oh I don't want to talk about it anymore.

    Winfia you are doing too much Take a Break!


    Thanks ... yeah, I wait until the last minute and do everything at once.

    Multi-tasking!  My dip is made. Sweet potatoes cooked- just need assembly. I'm getting there Just stabbed the baked potatoes for tonight I need a break!


    I'm actually doing instant mashed potatoes!!! First time, ever. (Don't tell anyone.) Hey I'm 70, I'm tired of all that boiling and peeling and mashing and ... well, you know.

    I won't tell but everyone will know. If I could I'd come do your potatoes for you!

    Instant mashed potatoes... I have never tried that.

    My daughter, the wonderful cook that she is, was doubtful. She ended up asking if she could take some home! I use a garlic and herb flavored instant and add chopped garlic that has been sauteed in butter. YumMe!

    Sounds good Winfia. I'm glad everyone enjoyed!

    Not me, I can't spell Thinksgavingg.


    Good try though. :)

    I am on here when I should be writing.


    You should be writing and I, finally... am firing!
    Miracles do exist!

    I just looked at your profile, eggplant. At the age of 111, I'm amazed you can still hold a pen in your hand much less write!

    eggplant, what are you writing? do you write books?

    OK, now it's Thanksgiving morning and I have the "edible arrangement" to prepare.  It's chocolate-dipped fruit on skewers that are arranged in a flower pot, with kale as filler.  There is a company here that does this and the stuff is beautiful and way-past expensive.  I told my mom I could do it, so here I am.....pineapple (to be cookie-cuttered like a flower), strawberries, grapes, honeydew, cantaloupe, bananas and oranges.  If it turns out decently, I'll send out a photo, but don't hold your breath......I know how it's done cuz I worked for them during Mothers' Day week, but have never attempted anything beyond the dipping......hundreds of strawberries; won't put a chocolate covered berry in my mouth ever again.....we were encouraged to enjoy the fruits of our labors   :)


    Bob/PKB sounds great, would love to see a pic

    Im on here when I should be doing lots of things, I just find it more enjoyable and as long as Im using the computer at work, staff assume Im actually working (mind you I always make sure everyone is O.K first) and as for cooking, still have a half finished kitchen, and the novelty of cooking in the fry pan on the lounge room floor has well and truly worn off.

    winfia what did you cook for dinner? Or did you go out?

    I sent one of these arrangements to my granddaughter for her birthday when she turned 12. She said it was the best present she ever got! Can't wait to see the picture of yours. What kind of chocolate did you use? PS - I meant this to be a comment, oh well ...


    Hi winfia....I got the chocolate at Joann's Fabrics in Fresno, but I've used almond bark from the regular grocery. There are chocolate bits specially made for dipping pretzels and fruit and stuff.
    It turned out amateurish, partly because of the lack of good kitchen tools and partly because I am an amateur. Everyone thought it was beautiful and clever and enjoyed eating mint-chocolate covered orange slices! I was happy with it and plan to make another one when the opportunity arises. Doing that for my mom was the best part. She's done so much for me (and my sons). When she and my youngest got home last night, the door was unlocked. Nothing missing, but still.....she doesn't deserve that. My son even looked in the crawl space for the intruder (his elder brother the chief suspect), loaded the shotgun and didn't sleep. Happy Thanksgiving. :(

    I'm sure it was just yummy. I think I'll try one for Christmas. Thanks for the idea. Glad you found no intruders ... they were no doubt after the chocolate!

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