    what is the way you cope

    I find when things at home and at work are frantic,I often get into a panic and don't even know where to start, so I tend to bury my head. and obviously things snowball and get worse, how do you organize or prioritize without becoming   an absolute nervous wreck

    +5  Views: 540 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    lambshank I am here to Help..... 1st of all get a peaice of paper and make a Things To Do List

    write on which is high priority .........

    then write all the things that need to be done on that day persume that you are only going to half that list and every time you have done one thing of that list tick it of will feel so much better ..I have to do this everyday and i wizz through the stuff thats needs to be done what hasnt been done goes on tomorrows list will be surprized how one job turns into 2/3 jobs that you can get done .....take big deep breaths as well and go for a walk in the fresh air and while you are walking think about the jobs you are going to do and you will be surpized how far you have walked and the energy you will have from that walk good luck


    mel, your so sweet I will do that, and great news I have apparently accumulated too much leave YAY so they have requested I take some, might go down the coast and visit my daughter the week before christmas (no one else will work the holidays, they have little kids)

    Don't you ever get a choice of holidays? If not, why not?

    lambshank glad you are taking a break and seeing your daughter this is what I like to hear! sounds like you are getting i order already hey I wish I was giong to the beach! is it far!!! heee I would love to come and join you!!! and just remember YOU desearve this xxoxooxoxoxxoox

    I have learned to face things head on and I meditate every morning... I also walk a lot... This helps to clear my head.


    I never seem to get time, I need a haircut and had to fit even that in, earliest I could could manage is in 2 weeks, a scan I need has to wait the same time, I wonder how other people ever find time to finish the work, let alone "leisure", maybe I need to make time and go for a walk, might help

    Walking at the crack of dawn is excellent... I can't make the time for that right now. Some day.

    ***What does the crack of dawn sound like ?

    Very very quiet!

    Lambshank, I can feel your frustration through this site.  My only suggestion is exercise and I know that you think that you don't have time to do that.  I guarantee, if you will start with a little time, spent on exercise (I suggest a walk outside...rain or shine) every morning (or whenever your day starts) it will change everything.  Spend 15 minutes on a walk, everyday, for one week and see.  You will stop spinning your wheels and get more done than usual, once you do start your day.  I don't really know why, but it does work!  Just try it please. Think of it this quarter of an hour out of twenty four!!!!


    Ducka, certainly wouldn't hurt the ever increasing weight from all the "little" snacks I eat instead of meals,

    Yes. The combination of snacking and stress can cause a weight gain, for sure.

    Decide what problem needs attention first Try to solve it.  If you can't move to the next item. Most things are not do or die! If you can't do it today, try tommorrow. They will wait!


    Im afraid they won't, the powers that be demand reports on time (Im way behind)the time allowed for this is taken up at work by high challenge behavioral clients,oh, and my house is a terrible mess, I email myself work to do at home and still don't get finished

    Another thing that may help...if possible, make a list of things to do at work, before you leave for the day.  That way, you don't have those things spinning in your head, during your at-home time.  Of course, your list will get interrupted, but then, just get back to it.  Do the same thing before you leave again...make a new list for the following day. While you are at work, try not to think about what is next on the list...concentrate on the task at hand and realize that you can only do so much in a day!


    I do try that, I end up with scribble and adjustments, I need to tweek my method, Im a bit sloppy and just scribble things down

    Yes. Keeping things as organized as you can, will also help with stress. Remember too...breathe!! Do you know that when people are stressed, they do not breathe properly but rather, take very shallow breaths, causing more stress?

    You have to just learn how to prioritize do one thing at a time, take one thing at a time.  Otherwise yes life and all that comes with it and the people become terribly overwhelming.  I know and I understand so i am trying to take and prioritize and concentrate on one thing one problem at a time if at all possible.  Some things you can fix a lot of things you cannot I guess we have to learn how not to worry over what we have no control over and that is easier said than done I know.  


    absolutely right,thanks

    Lambshank, you've received the very best answers!  As far as finding time to exercise, the Royal Canadian Air Force published a book many years ago with a fitness regimen for men and women.  The woman's takes 12 minutes per day and has ten exercises, none of which are too difficult or demanding.  Just doing that in the morning makes me feel like I have done SOMETHING for myself  (and you'll notice the  benefits before too long).
    Making a list and putting it in "order" or what's most important is easy for me....I do it all the time. Getting something completely DONE on that list is another story.  But, DO IT, because as you cross off one thing after another, you will be encouraged to get to the next thing.
    I would add that what you bite off to chew is small enough to handle in a specified amount of time.  When I clean my house, I am distracted easily by drawers that need rearranging, or what-have-you,  If I set a timer for 15 minutes to clean my small bathroom (toilet, sink, counter, shower, floor), I can do it, and do it well.  It's almost like a contest to see if I can finish the task "on time".
    Taking time for yourself is SOOOOOO important.  One can't give the job, home, relationships the attention and nurturing needed if one hasn't taken care of herself.  You owe it to YOU (along with all those demanding influences) to take care of you first.   Perhaps you need a sick day or two from the social work to focus on lambshank.  
    I learned at work from a woman far younger than myself:  What doesn't get done today will get done tomorrow.  You already know what can wait until tomorrow.  
    If the workload is too stressful, you really need to talk to the supervisor about modifying some of it.   Don't feel bad about that, either.  You are only one person and, most likely, trying to do the work of 2 1/2-3 people before budget cuts.


    Very good advice and well written Bob/PKB!!

    Thanks, ducky. Your comment encourages me!

    fish girl, I would love to do that but shiftwork makes things difficult, I did however get ONE whole report complete tonight,so pleased, arranged to purchase a T>V for a client (no mean task) got 3 quotes, family consent and dept. permission, WOW and only had to hand out one lot of PRN mediacation tonight, if it wasn't nearly end of shift I might almost catch up now thats being silly isn't it !!


    lambshank sounds like you need to take time out for a couple of days so you can catch up on all this you do have a very stressful job I do feel for you, but you have to come first remember this xxxx

    I feel your pain. I have two shows coming up with all of my stock in another location... I am a throwing, trimming, painting, glazing and firing nut at the moment and Christmas is around the corner... My house is a tip because of remodeling and augh! I have a two year old who destroys one room as I am cleaning up the other....
    I don't want to think about it... :)

    I curse the world. Have a few beers, turn up the tunes and in an hour, I'm well again.

    If all else fails bang your head against a concrete wall until you quit thinking about all those problems, I do feel your pain.

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