    how long can you not work?

    +3  Views: 729 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    I haven't worked in 7 years after working for 23 years...I'm enjoying the time off............


    jhharlan, started work at 15, Im 55 and still at it, enjoy I hope to join the ranks of the retired sooner rather than later

    I am an artist... I work really hard and I get paid randomly... I need a real job.  Just joking! :D

    I actually understand where you are coming from.  I however, have oddball ideas and thinking patterns that say ... "Make Art!"...

    My answer doesn't count... find somone else far more sensible.


    You're funny.

    Depends on how muck money you have or someone to take care of you , that could be indefinate.

    As long as you have someone to feed and clothe and give you a bed? all your life>

    Sierra Leone

    I have not worked for 2 years and it was too hard for me

    What was too hard working or not working?
    You get out of life what you put in to it.
    I know jobs are hard to find but this is societys` fault.
    We want latest gizmos but at what expense? Loss of jobs as the money we spend on gizmos is used to make gizmos that do the work of 100 or more people at the click of a button.
    We want to get a good weeks wages for a good DAYS WORK so businesses have to "employ gizmos" instead of people as people are too expensive.
    In Australia workers go on holidays and are paid 17.5% "loading" so the boss pays out 4 weeks pay plus 17.5% for no production by the workers. Duh who came up with that brilliant bit of stupidity.
    Actualy I know it was introduced yonks ago to compensate for overtime which was normaly worked during working weeks but of course you can`t work on holidays.
    People get a job that requires weekend and public holiday hours so they want double or triple time for working on these days.They don`t do any more hours than others.
    You take the job if you don`t like it leave and give the job to somone prepared to work and not push prices up with ridiculous wage increases.

    Normally allot until I get into trouble for playing.

    peoplelover, I don't mean to sound ungrateful for working but indeed earn, YES I EARN my penalty rates, I look after violent dual diagnosis clients, get bashed have had every rib in my body broken twice over, put up with continual screaming (Im not talking about just crying) I have my hair pulled out I get punched bitten and scratched, one of us was murdered a couple of months ago, several have been stabbed, this is all day EVERDAY, I am at work now most of you are in bed. Im tired Im cranky and sick of hearing crap about penalty rates WE EARN EVERY PENNY, last week I worked all night, every night. I work every weekend while my friends are having a social life, Im sleeping when the kids next door are yelling and the bloke down the road is mowing his lawns, I have worked the last 18 christmas days,as do the police the ambulance and doctors, quit whinging, we earn less than bank tellers, less than garbage men, less than the local bartender,peoplover I think not, I forgot to mention the poo, oh wall to wall poo I also clean up, thats when its not being thrown at staff, how many of you would work these hours, do this job for sweet f... all ??????? WE EARN OUR MONEY, WE DESERVE RESPECt, or see how you fair when these people are back on the streets since do-gooders decided in their wisdom to close the institutions and put us at risk, we have NO glass here not even in the windows, no knives, no forks or anything that may be used as a weapon , how about you try doing it and saying no its O.K, I really don't deserve penalty rates, like hell.


    Your job sounds horrendous! I don't have any idea how you can do that all day! :(

    OMG. What is your job and in what kind of place do you work? Being assaulted shouldn't be part of anybody's job description.

    lambshank - what's a penalty rate?

    I know exactly,

     Gardener  Mopping  9 To 5 I have worked even had 3 jobs after a broken marrage and one child to support as he left us in dept and in those days it was disgrace to go on benefit I know back then it was easier to get work but i paid of the dept and put a roof over our heads and would do it again if need be I left school with nothing much in qulifications and went to noght school then o to college to get my degree... you have to be hungry for work I have done cleaning gardening waitressing and worked in gin factory  and enjoyed  everything ...and when I was at school I went strawberry picking Apple picking Potatoe picking this was when I had holls at school Hard work never killed anyone! PS I am still working today I have my own buisness



    like you mel,I had no quals, 6 kids, (4 wern't mine but I raised them)I worked every crap job known to man to keep us, no govt. benefits, not ever,studied 4 years fulltime (worked before and aftter uni)we didn't have much except each other, we cooked on a pot outside (no money for power)I still work in a difficult job, but have no qualms about holding out my hand for my wage, like you I earn it.

    lambshank thank you for that yes sounds like you and me have had it hard but hey we pulled through! Through HARD Work and you should pat your selve on the back raising 6 children well done I only had one and that was hard enough bless you lamb xxx

    When I first saw your career, I was impressed. I am now in awe.

    Bob/PKB I dont know wether this was for lambshank/or me but if its for me thank you
    ed shank

    Young Lady, my hat is off to you.

    ed shank thank you so much oxoxox

    Now that I would like to be NOT having to work, and enjoying exercise classes, making jewelry, painting, and trying lots of other crafts.......   babysit my granddaughters while my son and his girlfriend were at work a couple of times a week...... Spending time with charities like SPCA and Salvation Army, taking some classes at the local junior  college, dance lessons....... Going on spur-of-the- moment getaways with my husband, perhaps even taking a cruise..... just enjoying a lot of fun and family during the "golden years".  
    Oh, I could spend the next 40 years NOT working!  However, life hasn't dealt me that hand, and I have been struggling for 18 months with piddly little jobs and going to school.  I started a seasonal job with H&R Block yesterday and am absolutely thrilled for the opportunity!  
    In answer to your question.......NOT TOO MUCH LONGER. 


    Life sure takes some twists and turns, doesn't it? Not easy sometimes.

    I feel like I'm holding on to a very small flotation device as I careen down a raging river, heading toward a Niagra-sized waterfall!
    ed shank

    Good things happen to good people. I see great things in your future, I've got a connection that says so.

    I love what I do and I love what I am achieving due to my efforts. I don't think I would be happy not working really. Maybe once it is time to retire, I will have saved enough for retirement that I can continue my travels and live quietly in a little cottage or a float home. Not working gets me nowhere so I wouldn't want to try not to.

    Ducka,me either some days, I thought I could make a difference in the system and maybe improve life quality for clients,think my head was in the clouds, far too busy cleaning pooh, blood and ducking punches to make much of a difference, wish it was different but thats the reality,


    I bet you have improved life quality lambshank. Maybe you just don't realize it yet. Not everyone could do what you do. I couldn't do it unless it was my calling. regards/yvonne57

    For as long as it takes to read a good book..............

    dukka, Yvonne & Bob/pk, I work for the government and  write behavior intervention strategies, deal with behaviors and often wear the brunt of what hasn't worked, the people I work with are mostly out of institutions or from  families that can no longer cope with violent individuals and mentally ill , they often also have physical disabilities and frustration for them, who are incidentally  non verbal often results in violence as the result of missed communication or  the need they seem to have to lash out for no apparent reason, not to us anyway. The penalty rates, I think may equate to the tips workers get in other countries, I get a fixed percentage depending on what time of the day I start. i.e 15% for starting at 1500-2300, 50% for working Sundays , the only 2 days a year we get  double and a half time is Christmas day and Easter Friday as they are religious holidays.We do our best for the people we deal with, but sadly they don't have a vote and are swept under the carpet, no one wants them ill treated, but no one wants them next door either, unseen by most and preferably forgotten


    I have a relative who works with abused children and deeply troubled families with multiple mental health problems, so I have a very small idea of your daily stresses. She has expressed to me that her day is so filled with people who lash out at her, that it is impossible to put into words! :(

    I have not worked outside of my home in 5 years until just recently when I started volunteering for CASA for kids.  So, I hope I can not work forever.   I started babysitting at 11 yrs old, working at the mall at 14, Army at 17, and on and I've working for 40 years of my life.   My Husband too.  Now we do what we want.   We are so lucky and blessed in that regard. 

    Ducka, have patience with her, I know where she is coming from, I sometimes cry all the way to work,and all  the way home,its often a heart wrenching job,

    I stopped working at age fifty. Self imposed retirement. I did nothing for nearly two years after that. Then was approached to build a big horsepower motor for a friend of a friend. The engine ran better than expected, and my life long hobby became a part time job that generates a reasonable income. I work when and if I want. I will stop working this spring for good after I fulfill my current commitments. I've been very lucky. The Big Guy has been very good to me.

    I have not been employed since 1972. Our government choose to pay me off rather than having to cope with the cans of worms I opened before their wondering eyes…and go about their business as if nothing had happened.     


    robertgrist, Im a thorn in their side and will continue to be as long as there is breath in me me to convey the injustice, prejudice, inequality and Hippocratic system we endure, and inflict on those that have no voice, Im damn sure they'd love to see the back of me.

    Document the conditions throughout and publish it via the whistle-blower act and sue for benefits when they fire you. Good luck.

    None I have to work if I want like a roof over my head, etc., etc., etc.......

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