    do bats suck blood

    +1  Views: 973 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Blood is sipped from a stemmed crystal goblet, much like wine.  


    Best if eaten with day-old slugs! (slugs from another Q on this site)

    Some bats do. Most eat fruit.


    hang on a sec Tommy,he might mean cricket bats...

    Bats do not suck blood and fruit is not their diet. Bats are the most important creature in the forest. They only lick the nectar from the forest flowers. They only attack fruit farms when there is nothing else to eat. They actually do not eat the fruit, they chew it and spit it out as they do not eat fibre. People are busy chopping forest up so the bats have less to eat. Bats are actually dying out because of the decline in forests. It appears they are increasing but they are not. They flock together in greater numbers because of the decline in trees.

    Batty batty bat... Batty batty bat.... they love to suck your blood. 

    Bats are most fond of red blood.  The redder the better. 

    Famous people blood is soooooo much better than ordinary people blood and for good reason.  Famous people blood is actually more nutritious.  Bats know this by instict because, as every single person knows (living or dead... not from bats sucking their blood... natural causes et al), bats are highly perseptive creatures and seriously cute.  No joking.  Cute over the moon, cute.  That truly is how they have been getting away with the sucking of the famous people blood for literally thousands upon thousands of years.... Cleopatra had big time scars!  This is fact not fiction.

    I am a sucker for cute.

    Be thankful if you are an ordinary person...  otherwise... start thinking about pearcings.  Bats love my ears and I love earrings.  It's a win win.  I am not famous but my blood is a very appealing shade of red.  Who knew? 

    *I am a vegetarian... there could be something in that!


    If you had said all of that in a Transalvanian accent I for one would,ve believed you, but yor still flehing aboot the hoose, aintcha?...KOTF

    I am Transalvanian.... I refer to my parents as the Count and Countess. I even have a step-Countess. We emigrated to Canada in 1832...with our bats of course.
    All Hail King of the Fleas!

    The most common vampire bat is Desmodus rotunda which lives in Central America. It feeds on bood mainly from cattle, but in Guyana I met a man who had been bitten and who lost a lot of blood.

    Youve been watching too many horror films!!

    There are different types of bats, some live off fruit, blood sucking mosquitoes, and yes there is the vampire bat. He is a ugly, wicked little devil!

    Watch out for Rabies! They are a carrier!

    Most blood sucking bats will normally just suck of cows ect

    No!  Bats make a wound and lick the blood,  ex wives suck the blood !

    i think some bats do and some bats dont. but they are very scared of you and they wouldnt hert you so there is your answwer!



                  "Yes, they do!"

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