    what can i put on my cat for fleas?

    She is allergic to about everything under the sun as in liquid stuff, you put on their neck to flea collars

    +2  Views: 685 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Organic so should not bother your cat. 

    Diatomaceous Earth provides a permanent barrier against Ants, Fleas, Ticks, Cockroaches, Earwigs, Slugs, Beetles, Flies, Silverfish, Bed Bugs and many other pests indoors and out, naturally, without harsh synthetic chemicals!



    Diatomaceous earth is a barbed particle and actually cuts the fleas skin so that it bleeds out... or any of the other pests you mentioned.
    Do try. It won't hurt the cat even if the cat injests it.

    Thanks fg, that's great info that I should have included. :)

    Pet geek stuff :)

    Use natural cleaners with orange or citronella.  Cedar and chrysanthemums are also natural repellents. 

    I have found that spraying the house and then maintaining with the natural repellents works the best.

    This plus Colleen's answer should get you great results.

    My cats have a very very bad reaction to Frontline but Advantix II for cats works great do not know if that helps or not?  Hope it does.

    Dawn dish soap will remove them and help keep them off if used daily.

    Hve you checked with a VET  for your situation on your cat ?

    Well you could make up some teeny weeny beach lounges or maybe tiny little Tv sets. The fleas are sure to like these.

    I think it is truly great that as the cats human you are being so considerate of her fleas, so many people would be trying to get rid of the fleas but not you. I commend you for your consideration of one of natures much maligned creatures..

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