    The American Dream. Do you have to be asleep to believe it?

    Or the Aussie dream for that matter.

    +3  Views: 756 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    The dream is gone, because we were sleeping. Now's the time for a short nap, to keep an eye on what s**t is going to hit the fan now,

    It would probably help for a majority of Americans to be asleep while chasing that dream, otherwise for a majority of us it would seem more like a financial nightmare.

    The american dream is not dead.  Problem is there are so many problems here, people don't have time, to focus on what would make their dream come true.  many are in survival mode.  However, people are coming into this country as fast as they can, by any means possible to get a piece of the American pie.  Many come over, get  jobs, and some get rich.  We hear a lot of horror stories and there are plenty.  But you can find a wholeseller get a million spools of white threat and sell them for a dollar each.  Earn 75 cents on each and your status just changed.   "Only in America" as Don King says, can a poor man become a rich man, if he has drive and an idea.  Happens every day over here.  But for the vast herd, it's mainly a nightmare, partly due to herd thinking and being manipulated be the herd manipulators, (media, advertising, politics, greedy selfish people that control what we see and hear).  which is often not in the best interest of all.  but the herd follows with thinking and then something like  the housing crisis occurs.  It has been found by a commission that the greedies caused that crisis.  even tho at first they wanted people, or the herd to think it was their fault.  People are still clamorring for somebody to be put in jail for what they have done to our financial system.  You have to look or listen to shows like "Democracy Now" to get some real truth.  It's on internet.  Mother Jones magazine.  They indicated way before the war in Iraq that the us had been trying to figure out how to get over there and get that oil.  Well after 9-11. iraq here we come. 


    Is the American dream about being rich? ""Only in America" as Don King says, can a poor man become a rich man, if he has drive and an idea."

    China has more Millionaires and Billionaires. Europe is full of rich people. Crikey, even Australia has millionaires aplenty and the average person in Oz has more wealth than the average American.

    Let's not get blinded by slogans about 'only in America'.

    I always saw (from a 'durn furriner' viewpoint) the American Dream being about Freedom.

    i think the dream has now become a nightmare, it' really not rocket science just take a look at the news on any given day..

    yes you stupid idiet


    What's an 'idiet'? If I am stupid, what are you?

    Delusional ......

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