    Is 'Political Correctness' a Crime against Intelligence?

    They are all about free speech and tolerance and diversity and sensitivity and multiculturalism until one dares to openly admit to being pro-life, or a Christian, or a believer in traditional morality, or that marriage should be between a man and a woman, or that Israel has the right to exist, or supporting gun ownership, or that maybe we should not allow in millions of illegal aliens every year. Once such an admission is made, all that great liberal love and tenderness is thrown out the window and all that is left is the naked viciousness and unmerciful intolerance of Political Correctness.

    When debate is stifled and speech curtailed because of everyone being petrified of being labeled ""insensitive"" (or far worse) then we have lost a valuable part of what made us a great nation and successful civilization. Those who would perform a collective intellectual lobotomy, and their perpetually outraged cadres shouting bumper sticker slogans, are the enemy and we've labeled their speech codes and ideological shackles 'Political Correctness'.

    Perhaps novelist Doris Lessing, an early Feminist who became more and more disillusioned with ‘women’s rights’, ‘gay rights’ and sundry ‘rights’ demanded and cajoled from everyone else, stated it best:

    ""Political Correctness is the natural continuum from the party line. What we are seeing once again is a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others. It is a heritage of communism, but they don''t seem to see this.""

    +6  Views: 1030 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    I'm impressed with your comment and question.  While I don't think it's a crime against intelligence, it certainly is depriving people of "the whole picture".  I'm not for being crude and derisive of anything or anyone, but a couple of years ago, I was home-schooling a student who was studying US History.  The references to "Native Americans" (who were called INDIANS in historical US), "Asian Americans" (many of whom were JAPANESE during the 1940s), and "African-Americans" (who were called SLAVES, NEGROES, and PROPERTY during the 1800s) really appalled me.  
    "Politically correcting" a history book......I was livid.  How does one learn from the past if the past is candy-coated and recreated.  Those are isolated examples, but every kid who is exposed to that book is going to get a skewed version of the truth.   The next thing we know, the N.A. will have donated land to the English, etc; the As.A. will have been forced to attack Pearl Harbor by some unclassified political foe, and the Af.A. will have been immigrants who sold themselves in order to come to America. 

    It may not be a "crime" against intelligence, but it certainly is a disservice.   


    Thats a different way of looking at, good on ya Ms Bob.

    I'm always wary of speaking out in this arena.

    You should not feel that way, Ms Bob, as i have said before right or wrong you say what you feel .

    Thanks, buttletman; I'll work on it (in my daily life, as well). Have a good week.

    Political correcctness, a hypocrisy cr#@ by a minority group, 21 century lunacy.

    I don't know if it's a crime against intelligence, but it sure can be annoying. For example, when you hear how all cultures are equally valid. How can that be? What about the Nazi or some totalitarian regimes or don't they count?

    I think, very simply we, at least here have gone way over board, Aboriginal is apparently, or should I say was taken as an insult at work last week, I found an enhanced primary care application for an , ....well indigenous person at work last week, left the paperwork in this persons pigeon hole thinking I was doing her a good turn, potentially saving her money, I wrote on a sticky note "this is for Aboriginal people" she took offense and complained that this was incorrect and derogatory, what in the hell am I supposed to refer to her as? I know she will never, ever get any help from me in the future. We don't have golliwog biscuits anymore, nugget shoe polish, they tried to ban coon cheese and so the list is endless, I say suck it up, grow up and get over it, Im tired of all the p.c crap, its gone way too far'


    Good on yer. Down with do-goodies and idiots.

    I know that one group were Indians, then Natives, then Aboriginals, now First Nations!!!! SOMEONE is always insulted if the term that they choose, is NOT used in the media. After all, we must not insult anyone! How is the average person supposed to keep up with all the changes? Make up your mind what you need to be referred to and that's what we'll all try to do!!!

    A lot of bull dust, taking away the right to free speech I was a Digger yet Digger is a derogatry term as we dug trenches but I was proud to be called "Hey digger"

    Is Aussie policticaly incorrect? Is "white fella" politicaly incorrect? is woman going to be politicaly incorrect and women become "wopersons" or some other stupid name.

    It started with the discontinuation of "Actress' to "Actor" Actress defined the person as a female who could "act" for goodness sake the same  authoress.

    If some one is that unsure of their sexuality then maybe they should rethink their position.


    Feminists call women, womyn. They rejected wopersons because of the 'sons'.


    You have to laugh .... or you'd cry.

    By: Amfortas

    We were not ready.
    We were distracted.
    Battle had taken its toll
    But the Family survived.
    The children played.

    Malevolent Smile.
    She was Ready.
    Definite. Ordered.
    The Blue Pencil, poised.
    Flooding in, the swamp re-defined the land,
    The familiar, the family, the Form.

    The first was FAIR, our childhood’s most cherished friend:
    Resolver of squabbles, distributor, sharer,
    Fair cared for all:
    a string of rubies around her doomed, pale and lovely neck.
    It was so sad.
    They said it was consumption.
    All used up, in tatters, shrouded,
    she just faded away.

    Next to go was that sturdy, quarrelsome EQUALITY, which surprised us all
    as he was so in demand, they said,
    by all,
    especially some;
    aye, and relied upon.
    For so many years a staunch friend and fighter.

    His burial dressage, a white cheesecloth, yoked neck.
    Naked beneath,
    his scarred skin a testament.
    Burned Beyond Recognition.

    TRUTH tried hard.
    Was Tried. Hard.
    Derided, Derrida-ed,
    denied existence;
    Falsely accused,
    she struggled
    as she was garrotted.

    Died hard.

    Soon after that, JUSTICE
    suicided off a nearby cliff.
    Lover's Leap, a place then
    from which many a couple had gazed out,
    seeking the broader vista.
    Now has Disabled Access.

    Was it in despair?
    Perhaps sympathy with the others.

    No-one saw her silent fall.
    Was she pushed?
    Who could gain?
    Her handmaids will argue for a time and time,
    billing INNOCENCE by the hour,
    Kept in chains, for gain.

    The old, wise man, HONOUR, lost his marbles, they said.
    He languished as the village idiot for a while,
    The butt of jokes and calumnies.

    His body was found in a ditch one day.
    They left it there.

    The loss of these good companions all
    has been followed now
    two noble and leathery old soldiers.

    They put on their dress uniforms, immaculate,
    faced each other squarely and
    blew each other’s brains out.
    Such fine shots, both.

    They left a note. Signed as written together.
    They could no longer support the malignancy of the vile regime,
    the note said.
    They felt duty-bound to remove themselves
    from further abuse,
    the note said.

    They took DUTY with them.

    An Altar was discovered in the woods
    On which the charred bones of hermaphrodite TRUST
    Were found,
    Sacrificed to Narcissus, elevated to the Pantheon.
    Tears flowed down Olympus’ stony sides.

    Even God cries.

    After, there was Laughter, Music, Whine.
    High pitched.
    So much fun.
    The departed were only words
    After all.

    Oppressive words.
    Now dead.
    Like Fathers.
    Dead, white males.

    What, three were maids?
    So? Whatever, said the wenches.

    No one noticed LOVE fall to her knees.
    Her calls for help were drowned by song.
    Trampled to death under dancing feet.
    The last to succumb.


    The surging mob, with popular will,
    Tied DEMOCRACY’s hands, and,
    fattened and degraded on suet foie gras
    trotted it to the abattoir.

    The Impostor was on the scene quickly.
    Ready, Definite.
    By Order. She said.

    The Princess of Lies rides
    over barren lands.
    Long hair her spider-silk, chain-mail
    down her back.
    Across her breast,
    Over her steed’s flank.
    Hooves on skulls.

    The children gabble and cry.
    No words
    their pain.

    They were

    Yes it is is in this day in age , not by my opinion , but rather by the world view, but none the less i'll follow my heart before i conform to what the world believes "was christ wrong when he called a "women" at the well rather than "miss'or waitress..

    It appears to be an Anglo-Saxon disease.

    Wish we could  use Plain Common Sense................but we ALL most likely   have different defenitions  for "Plain Common Sense"...............OO  Well...........Didn't  get any where..............


    if our government had its way the word "common" would be offensive

    Quoting Doris" What we are seeing once again is a self-appointed group of vigilantes imposing their views on others." 

    Please, take away PC and the other side, "one dares to openly admit to being pro-life, or a Christian, or a believer in traditional morality, or that marriage should be between a man and a woman, or that Israel has the right to exist, etc.."  will be the "self appointed  vigilantes imposing their views on others." 

    Everyone gets their turn. First one side, then the other, and back and forth it goes. PC will go away and the other side will have their power back to cast down those not like them again. It's a never ending cycle because mankind continues to be stuck in the quagmire of self importance and the "only my way is the right way" mentality. 


    So all is equivalent, eh? How very PC.

    If that's the way you see it. I do not believe I out it out as PC.

    Just so you know Umbriel, that comment is not mine, I was quoting another.

    maybe it's time to pull our heads in, forget fragile ego's and make a difference where it counts, assisting people who need help, animals that are abused or injured, feeding the hungry,standing up for the rights of those that are down trodden,and neglected, I think way too much importance is given to using the p.c terminology, who is it helping, is it putting food in hungry mouths etc, it is however keeping a lot of fat cats on their seats here deciding what may offend whom,

    There are some good things about PC. Blacks are no longer called ni**ers, mentally challenged are no longer imbeciles or retarded, mute people are not dumb, handicapped people are no longer cripples. I guess those people had fragile egos though. Why worry about how they feel?

    Good, very good. Never heard it put that way, but right on the money.

    Political Correctness is cultural Marxism, a regime to punish dissent and to stigmatize social heresy as the Inquisition punished religious heresy. Its trademark is intolerance. Its goal is to undermine Western values.

    Wow,  Now you are going to expose my distrust in community organizers and social activist and our far left networks..  Oh wait that sounds a little like Obama, his elegant wife who anyone who acepts things as they are can go to UTUBE and type in Macheal Obama saying all this for a damn flag, his buddy Bill Ayres, the great Rev Wright, all people who want to over throw our gov, his distinguished Czars and all the other people who would not think about stuff they do on a regular basis 50 years ago in the USA!!!.

    What polital correctness represents to me is the far left uses this as a tool to validate their failures.  In other words people not only take care of me but tolorate and deal with me on my terms.  Let me burn the flag cause I can because the only thing I know is that the more I drop out  the more powerfull I become.  Dang all I have to do is go down and prostest wall street. get paid.over $ by the unions.  If I can manage my substance abuse well enough I can remember what the people giving the $$$$ wants me  to answere why I'm there.  Not to worry though because our great patrotic far left Lib will fix it for us by screaming the political correctness card. 

    If U had a pie chart on the fall of the USA and the world how big would the slice be that represents political correctness!!!  How much sugar would  that slice have.  Would it have a disclaimer, diabetics beware!!!   Sensative is one thing and I support that with my heart and sole BUT THE 2 WORDS IS SOMETHING THAT WAS CUNCOCkTED BY THE FAR LEFT TO TILT THE PLAYING FIELD.  REGRETTABLY THE WAY IT WAS PACKAGED AND NURTURED WE FELL FOR IT HOOK LINE AND SINKER. 

    My last thought,  WHY DO WE HAVE TO EXERCISE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WHILE AT THE SAME TIME IT IS ALLRIGHT TO BURN OUR FLAG!!!!!!!!  Please someone answer me this so my contentment can take a great stride in becomming whole. TO ME it's A START TO THE MEANING OF LIFE.  Thanks all for reading and sharing!!!!

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