    knowing that alcohol consumption above moderate level is harmful to you, should the government intervene and how.

    +2  Views: 1510 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: alcohol excess

    6 Answers

    NO NO NO Their fingers are in too many pies now!  Let's give humans a little credit  The government can't decide what day it is much less anything else!

    If they intervened on alcohol consumption they would have to do the same for cigarette smoking and over eating.  Tough one actually.


    and many others- agree but this is specific to alcohol.

    Then no. Why make a rule for one bad thing and not another?
    America is not a police state.

    Seems to me they tried it once  already, no matter what the goverment does they can't stop a man/woman from consuming too much, they can try to regulate it in which they do, . as far as intervention why not put a sobriety check point on every doorstep..




    The government has no business what I choose to put in my body. Do something about the gas I need to put into my car. At $4.00 a gallon.

    Tobacco is far worse. They cant and wont restrict it.

    I thought they only do that in muslim countries. Our countries are already nanny states, please, leave it in the Middle East. No more interfering.

    I don't drink alcohol, so it doesn't worry me, but people should be responsible for their own actions.

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