    Do you believe a weekly hamburger and fries put you in junk food consumer category.

    +4  Views: 880 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers


    Eat this and you will be in junk food category for a week or more

    Headless Man

    If I ate one of them, I wouldn't be hungry for a

    Yes because you are consuming and therefore you fit into the category.

    I can't eat any of it so I am not in the category.


    Boy, R U tough!

    Not really. I can't eat at any fast food restaurants because I am allergic to MSG,dairy and I am celiac. Check the menus. Those places are not set up for anyone with food issues. It'a a nightmare waiting to happen for moi!
    Therefore... to me it is black and white.
    In some fast food places there is MSG in their coffee.

    fishgirl U R a special category while i am talking generally. sorry.

    You are what you eat....


    daren you have responded but not answered the question. Philosphy for later discussion.

    no.. if you only eat their crap once a week, how bad can it really be!!

    Heck NO!

    No i don't think it puts you in the junk food category at all.To have a burger and chips once a week will do you no harm,while your at it have a dessert too.Doesn't hurt to treat ourselves once in a while.


    totally agree, and hamburgers from the local take away I believe are not all that bad for you, mince, bun and salad,o.k with me

     Burger Joint It depends I personaly dont eat from mcdonalds and burger King I have eaten from them but many moons ago I do like the fries I think if you ate from those places regular then you would be i the catogary you are looking for ....but if you treated yourselve every couple of months or once a month then know  



    me either and now never will after I saw winfias fb pic, I enjoy "normal" hamburgers occasionally tho

    lambshank yes I remember her posting that it was gross xxx


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    Don Gorske ate his 25000th Big Mac during a ceremony at a Fond du Lac, Wis McDonald's. It's the 39th anniversary of him eating the first one in ...

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    Antipodally speaking, it would place you at least at one end of that classification. But a hamburger and fries from a good restaruant is quite a bit different from one from MacDonald's, just as one made from home would also be.


    Wow shootah! You made me look up a new word today.."antipodally"...?

    absolutely, real meat, real food

    What business is it of anyone.


    NONE ED. This only Q&A for different views. One can go jump in the lake and its nobody`s business.
    ed shank

    Obama's hamburger police may be listening, beware.

    let's hope it not too bad once a week.  some people eat like that every day.  good for you.

    I plan on dying long before fast food can get

    Mel, thanks and yes they are both healthy well adjusted adults (some luck involved I know) .Sawali I don't know what HB is? but my children didn't go without, they just ate home made, they enjoyed being involved in the cooking of jams and biscuits etc, I have often been subject to "surprise" brandy snaps...and those ever so good breakfasts of half raw eggs and burnt toast, yum ! but the kids enjoyed doing all those things and we enjoyed doing them together, I don't think their upbringing  was regimental, I often involved their friends in the things we did and we had a ball, as teenagers I was tickled when my kids and their friends wanted me to go to the beach with them, we did lots of fun stuff, para sailing, rock climbing, bushwalking etc etc, I didn't feel, and still don't feel my children were deprived of anything.I just liked to know that my children knew I cared enough to do these things.I didn't say they didn't get treats, but they were just that, treats.

    I had a friend that had kids ate only hotdogs, and thats it, I force fed our children a healthy diet, no pre made food not even biscuits, everything was home made and wholesome, my children caught everything going around,her kids never got sick  and now grown, my friends sons are both pictures of health.Im not condoning eating fast food all the time but makes me wonder


    lambshank I no what you saying and I know why her children rarely got sick its because most of the meat in the food chain have antibiotics in it I know this as I am allergic to most antibiotics and when i aet meat I itch and my lips swell so I can only eat free range meat also when her children have grown up there bodies have got use to the antibioctics so they will have to go on stronger version so you did right and also your children have fought off all those germs when they were younger and shouldnt reacure you have doe the right thing well done xx

    lambshank, I believe parents should let the children be children - let them have HB,candies, juices etc in moderation OR they will not have had a childhood to remember. Regimental bringing up should be left alone.

    lambshank. you indeed are  well rounded parents. i did notdirect my comments at you but it was a general statement. Well done!

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