    what was your first working experince?

    ... sorry for the misspelled word. Its supposed to be experiEnce..  well, to start with, I've been a freelance transcriptionist...

    +2  Views: 520 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Delivering newspapers.  I bought myself  a bike and paid for my figure skating lessons. 

    My first job was tying the strings on a fishing rod to hold the eye on. I worked for a man that made custom salmon fishing rods. He told me I would make $7 a rod but I started turning over too many rods in an hour so he turned it to hourly  which because of my young age, was taking advantage of me.


    TUs not working!

    My first job was picking potato bugs off of our potato plants on our muck farm in Michigan. Dad paid me "a penny for twenty." I was 3 1/2 - later at 4, it was also my job to collect the eggs from the hen house each morning.


    winfia, all good character building stuff


    my first job was with my mum, as a nurse on nightshift she would put me in the kitchen digging the eyes out of potatoes, I was about 10. The worst job I had was being dressed up as a pink donut for a promotion for a new shop, try sitting down for smoko!!!


    So tell me, do you hate donuts to this day? :)

    My first job, as child, my neighbour, used to give me note to take to shop, so as I would not forget small itens she wanted. She used to say, If you fall dont wait to get up, I still have not worked it out, lol

    my first job  was babysitting for kids smaller than me when i was about 12 years old.  & i'm still working with kids.  but i have had other jobs in between.  Another childhood job was selling Christmas Cards door to door. And helping my mother raise money for the march of dimes, door to door.  Oh yes and i helped my mother clean a rich lady's house that she worked for.  The lady was related to the Hearst family.  She gave my mom a couch.  my mom used it a few years and then gave it to me since i loved it so much.  It been redone a few times.  I


    Nice story.

    Van boy working for a bakery firm going around housing schemes selling morning rolls cakes up at 4 in the morning Finished at 2pm loved it.


    fabulous! what great experiences we have all had!

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