    Not A Question Please Say A Preyer For Ann Dog Called Chester

     Dog 3 


    +4  Views: 1200 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    Mel you are an angel. I know you love animals as much as I do. Thank you so much for your prayers. I do believe in miracles . I hope and pray that Chester comes through this crisis. I will let you now. Love and prayers, Ann

    Ann you are just the same as me with regarding Animals I am preying sooo hard for Chester to recover our thoughts are with you alwyas big KISS for Chester paws for ever xxxxx

    Mwel, I appriciate everything you are doing for chester. Yes, he needs everyones prayer. I cant think about beeing without Chester. So I keep praying and hoping for a miracle. With lots of love and thanks from chester and Ann.

    Ann I know you appricate this but you dont have to leave all the preying for us and you spend as much time with the little fellow I know you have done everything possible for your Chester and he knows it I am preying so hard for him and everyone on this site who have posted there thoughts and their lights so he is in good hands I do know what you are going through and look at Harvey no one thought he would pull through its a mirracle and look at Henry still here and he is 19 yrs old soon so I do belive in collective preys and thoughts so here is another one for you and Chester God Bless You Both love as always Mel & cats

    21 Answers

    Get well Chester!! ""


    How very appropriate!

    Thank you Colleen so much that candle is very lovely thank you again on Chester and Ann xxx

    Colleen I know you arnt bothered about the TUs but it seems to happen on the 3/and 4th question where you TU and go back and its undone again anyway it wont let me TU thanks xxx

    OK Mel, I'll let the admin know. I have a feeling the developers aren't to sure how to fix the issues here.

    Colleen thanks for going to report this cheers mel :-)

    consider my prayers as well ...


    Daren thank you for your thoughts and Preyers xxxx

    I want to thank you all for your concern and your prayers. Chester was diagnosed April 2010 with Renal failure. I started cokking his food and added lots of Vitamins. This past June he stopped eating and was at the Vets for almost three days to flush out his kidneys. He started eating again, until last October, he only ate very little. He had some very bad teeth, that needed to be pulled and the Vet told me, that there was a chance, that he might not make it through. But he did and is still eating very little. Yesterday the Vet gave him some fluids under his skin and I am going to do it at home today and the next 3 days to flush out his kidneys again. I hope and pray that this will help him.Its so hard to see him waste away. I have been praying to God not to let him suffer. I went to another Vet closer by, because I feel that Chesters primary Vet missed the signs if Kidney falure, and treated him for arthritis instead. I feel that he had a chance to get well, if only they had been more concerned about his signs of drinking too much water and peeing large puddles of water. I am writing this with a very heavy heart and I am devastated. Please say one more prayer. I have been praying ever since for my baby. I wont be visiting this site for a while, but will let you know how he is doing after I give him the fluids.Thank you and God bless you all


    Big love to both you and Chester. We will be thinking of you and wishing the very best for your best buddy.

    You take care Ann, and god bless.

    Ann as youi know my preyers are for Chester and you to be strong and I am preying so much for him to pull through as I do belive in collective preyers and thoughts and light please take it easy and rest with Chester love as always Mel xxxx

    Ann my heart and prayers are with you and Chester my Oliver is 19 years old and has kidney disease. I feed him a special diet Science Diet Feline CD and I almost lost him it was really bad like you said it is with Chester that was over 3 years ago with my good vet and yes lots and lots of prayers Oliver is doing well right now. I have also made sure that he has a stainless steel water dish which I wash at least twice a day and only give him bottled water and all that. I know how you feel yes the fluids and antibiotics worked for Oliver but I think that the prayers worked most. Please let me know and know that I truly will be praying for you and Chester.

    Ann - I haven't been around for some days now - How is Chester? How I wish he's alrightx

    love and best wishes go to Ann and Chester it is part of the family bless you both.


    dowsa how true is that you are so right chester is part of our Family thank you again xxxx

    This is a personal tragedy for both of them and I can only hope and prey Chester doesn't suffer too long. My sympathy for them. 


    west thank you so much for your thoughts and preyers regarding Ann and Chester luv ya mel xxxx

    Prayers and best wishes for Ann and Chester.


    fishy thank you so much for your thoughts and preyers xxx

    I know how Ann feels. I have been there.

    Oh dear not another sick animal,lets hope and prey that chester doesn't suffer too long and to keep ann strong at this sad time.


    pythonlover yes it does seem to happen quite regular thank you for your thoughts on Ann and Chester xxxx

    It seems like we are all animal lovers and most of us have pets. Get better Chester. You are well loved. regards/yvonne57

    God bless Ann and Chester,thinking of you and praying for you.


    sunny thank you so much for your preyers and thoughts xxxx

    Bloody hell, Mel i'll light a candle for Chester, also ANN, she'll need it. 


    bulletman thank you for your thoughts and the candle very thoughtful of you xxxx

    My love and thoughts are with you xx


    leosmaml thank you so much for your thouhgts xxxxx

    Get well soon Chester! Your Mommy needs you!


    clu that is so sweet thank you so much xxxx

    May god bless you both, my thoughts are with you and chester


    lambshank thank you for your thoughts xxx

    Mel and everyone thanks for all your prayers. As it was discovered yesterday, Chester has an enlarged heart and therefore has fluid in his lungs. He is still on his fluid  theraphy and I have to follow him around to get him to eat something. He is on lasix and Enalapril. His kidney Values are down and he is not vomiting anymore.He is not out of the woods yet. Chester is exhausted along with myself.  It has to be your prayers and concern that Chester has come this far. God bless you all. You have made a great difference in mine and Chesters Life. Lots of love to all, Ann


    I love good news! I know it's not the best news but it's good news all the same! It's in the right direction! Go Chester, go!! (((Ann)))

    Ann you are amazing and so is your dog Chester... what a spirit.
    I wish you both the very best and lots of love.

    Ann - I missed you telling us Chester was ill - I bet you are both exhausted - I can only imagine how it has been for you both - maybe now with the right drugs which he seems to be on he will be feeling more comfortable and you will be feeling more sane - you can fill these moments together now as you are doing and keep him comfortable without suffering. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Chester.

    Ann I am so please that you have found out that its heart god bless him lets hope he recovers now I am still preying everyday for our little chester and you of course and i am so plesed he can eat and has stop vomitting now! always in mey thoughts Mel xxxx

    dont want any TUs I would like a preyer or send a light for ANNs Dog Chester he has kidney failure my love light and preyers for Chester

    " Considerate It  Done ! "  "The  PANDA." : ) " I Pray Alot ,every day for a better world ! "


    panda thank you so much xxxx

    "Have faith (Ma-am) ! "

    panda I try to everyday but its so hard when a Animals are sick its out of our hands isnt it thanks Panda xxx

    youre more than welcome,i just wish i could give practical help x


    leosmaml thanks you for your thoughts xxxx

    When my animals are sick I do everything I can for them, as I know you do, Ann. And I give them lots and lots of love as you do. But I also tell them that they can go if they need to. That there is no reason for them to suffer just to hang on for me. This is very hard to do, but it allows your furry friend to go in peace if he needs to. My heart goes out to you - I know from experince how hard this is for you. Bright blessings and hugs for you both.



    winfia thank you so much for your thoughts I answering on behalf of Ann as she is taking time out to be with Chester thanks again sweetheart xxx

    I'm off to pray right now. (*~*).


    Cb thanks you so much on behalf of Ann for your preyers you are a sweetheart for your concern thank you again xxxx

    Just a short update on chester. Took him to the Vet yesterday and they gave him anti nausea meds. He also had blood in his stool and he got a flocillin shot. After I brought him home , about 2hrs later, he started hyperventillating. I was up all night with him and was afraid he would not make it. So I slept an hour here and there all day today. He is better, but still not eating much..Mel, and everone thanks for your prayers . I am rumbling on, because I am still in denial about how serious Chesters illness is, I am still hoping and praying for a miracle. Thank you and God bless you all.


    Ann My Heart was in my mouth whaen you were decribig Chester this what happened to Harvey when we gave him diasapan he started to hypoventalate it was auwful and there was nothing we could do please try to stay calm with him as he will pick it up how you are feeling send him strong thoughts I know you know all this anyway I feel better if I say it I feel he is already part of my life (chester) and the sites as everyone is preying like mad for him and you ....You take are Ann as you need your strenght for yourselve and Chester nice thoughts only my Love god bless you and Chester xxxx

    I am moved to tears for all your prayers and concern. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hydrated Chester yesterday and he ate about 4 tablespoons of food. His kidney Values(BUN) are off the chart. He is also anemic and I give him vitamins for that. He still goes to the bathroom outside. I am glad I went to this Vet. They are the most caring people and doing everything to make him feel better. Will give him his Fluid shortly. I am sorry I wont be on here much, I want to spend all my time with chester and I dont know how much time he has. Love to you all and thank you so much for caring. God bless you all, Ann


    Thanks for the update Ann,you and chester are in our thoughts. Take care xxx.

    Ann I left you a comment up the top you spend as much time with Dear Chester and give him a big KISS from catwoman (that will make him smile) I will thank everyone who has left there preyers and thoughts and lights so dont you worry I will hold the fort for you on this page if there is anything else I can do please get my email from Colleen 1 or Colleen 2 they will pass it on if you want to talk I am there for you Ann Always love as always Mel xxxx

    Colleen 2 if Ann wants my email please give it to her thank you and thank you for your thoughts on Chester xxxx

    pythonlover Colleen2 thanks for that xxxx

    Just another short update on Chester. He did very well yesterday and ate about 1/2 cup of food. . This morning his breathing is heavy and has not eaten. I have to give him fluids shortly and take it from there.. Will update later. Mel and veryone thank you so much for letting me vent on this site. Love to all, Ann


    Ann Thank you for update on Chester sorry to hear is breathing is laboured!! I am glad he had a good day yesterday I had good days with Harvey then the next day it all collasped lets hope he has good day Tomorrow! I am still preying for our Chester and yourselve love as always mel xxxxx

    Mel, I will give an update tomorrow. Things are not going well with chester. Please say a prayer. Right now I feel like I have an out-of-body experience. Nothing seems real. Thanks and love to you and everyone, Ann

    Ann watch the fluid thing - he needs fluid as I am sure you know because he is on the diuretic Lasix but worrying how his breathing is laboured - sounds like fluid build up - do not worry about him not eating so much. I will strongly pray for you and Chester please keep us updated wishing you all the best. Love to you both.

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