    are you nice

    +6  Views: 1010 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    Sometimes not all the time according to how one is treating me I do not be a door mat anymore had enough of that.

    18 Answers

    Yes I think I am nice most of the time but I can get Ratty if I get up set

    ed shank

    Your an extremely mellow chick in my opinion.

    ed shank you say the nicest things luv ya xxx

    ""                  I'm a very nice person, until you make me ANGRY !!!!!!!!!


    Where did you get the photograph of me?????

    Ha Ha, I got connections lol !!!

    I'm Canadian... nice is what we do best and then polite.


    no arrogance. just nice!

    We are nice. I do know a few arrogant Canadians but they are still nice.
    ed shank

    I love Canada. We visit several times a year. The people are always nice to my wife and I. Our friends have a different opinion of you guys. Maybe their not tipping enough?

    That is why we are nice... It's the tips!

    "it's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice"..

    Bloody oath I'm nice.Real nice.But don't mess with me!!

     "" ""

    Depends on the day, the mood and the person who might be bugging the crap outta me.


    thinking about me again Colleen Heee
    Headless Man


    No matter the level of disagreements we have Randy, I can't not like you. I know you are saying and doing what you think is right. Just stop believing I am going to hell. That's not an option as there is no hell.

    dowsa, you could never bug me enough ;)

    Most of the time.

    ed shank

    Your an Angel in my eyes.

    im nice... till someone KEEPS RUBBING ME THE WRONG WAY  then im not so nice anymore

    To whom are you speaking and how could you know that?


    I see that you have edited your question from "You are nice" to "Are you nice".
    My new answer is...sometimes.

    Yes i consider myself a nice person,until someone or something puts me in a bad mood.

    "" It's none of your business if I'm nice or not!


    Moderator're scarey!! :(

    i love your passion eggplant. you know you do not have to answer questions if they offend you. There are many questions, i simply do not answer, because they rub me the wrong way. what about hidden anger and agression. "it's all good."

    Just having fun, Tabber.

    I'm nice don't swear or drink,................. Dam. I left my pipe in the beer joint.


    Randy you are a cool dude. LOL

    i am very nice. but i am also very tough.  what i mean is that i learned a good set of moral values and i do have high values for myself and others.  i learned it from my family and mostly my dad.  i am great with being aware of proper boundaries.

    From who's point of view and in which ways looks or personallity? Are you and who says so?

    Most people would call me "nice".  I'm not so sure I would always agree with that assessment. 

    ed shank

    I have special powers. I see your a real sweetheart with a bit of "Grit". Leave this site again and you'll see my not so "Nice" side. Just kidding, good to see you back.

    THANKS, ED SHANK! You are one of my very favorites....I missed being here!

    Bob/PKB you know we all have to have our chops. In addition to niceness.

    yes, we do. Too nice gets abused sometimes.

    I think so, I'm constantly getting dumped on lately. Isn't that the sign of being nice?


    ed your right start being a bit mean!! xxx
    ed shank

    I have to practice being a dirtbag, it doesn't come natural with me.

    No that is not a sign of being nice. That is a sign of recognizing when people are taking advantage of a nice person. Don't let them do it. i am nice too, but when i feel someone is trying to screw me and/or take advantage of my generosity, i politely leave leave leave them ALONE, with as little friction and controversy as possible.
    ed shank

    Tabber. Your right, I do divorce myself from these people once I get screwed over. It happens much more frequently nowadays.

    Iam very very nice!!!!!!!Unfortunately,i also tell lies!!!!!!!


    just like me! I knew we had something in common Hee

    leosmami everyone might tell a white lie every now and then. its related to survival. but we all try to be fabulous and good most of the time. that what does count.

    i am very nice!  i also believe in good boundaries.  i worked at a group home company once & they sent another counselor over to work with me because they said she was not aware of boundaries.  I told the other counselor, they sent you to the right person, because i do believe in proper boundaries.

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