    If you could choose to work as many hours during the week as you wanted at a given per hour wage rate, to what level would the per hour wage rate have to be before you would begin to choose fewer hours to work? Given your answer, does the supply of labor curve (wages on the vertical axis and hours worked on the horizontal axis) always slope upwards to the right?

    +1  Views: 553 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I work when I want, Charge a fair rate. Because of what I do, there are several hourly rates that I charge given what phase of the project I'm on. They range from $72.00 to $130.00 per hour. Sounds like a lot of money, but my overhead is very high. I am not a Multimillionaire.


    So given the type project one would figure the wage at which to chose fewer hours after taking overhead in to account. Thank you for your honesty. I can now understand why the supply curve varies.

    I was about to write my response to your question when suddenly, after just 1.3% of an hour, I remembered that my hourly wage here is $ 0.00. 

    Consequently, that's about as flat as a horizontal line on your graph as you're going to get.


    Sorry to hear your hourly wage is at that point, hope it improves in the near future.
    You are correct about the horizontal line on the curve.

    I'm an artist and so this question is hilarious!

    CeeCee...always, always homework questions.  Do you plan to send each of us a diploma when you get yours?  After all, most of "your work" comes from this site, doesn't it?  This is a poor habit that you have developed.  How do you plan to "learn" once you are out in the work force?  This site might not be available in your place of employment and certainly may not be fast enough if your boss is on the way down the hall to see you!

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