    has anyone researched their family tree?

    if you had adoption in it would you research that family or would you go down the bloodline route?

    +1  Views: 463 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    It might be hard to do bloodline searches >some do not want to be identified!

    4 Answers

    Yes i looked up my family tree and found most of my family was still up their..

    There should be somewhere you can find your family tree without having to pay for it!  Some sites give you a clue then you have to pay to see results! Doesn't seem right!

    One of our relatives searched one side of our family tree and found that we go back two thousand years. We are descendents of the first Anglo-Saxons (who isn't) , who were led by Cedric the First, and then we go on to Alfred the Great of Wessex. and some Scottish King. We also helped Robert the Bruce to become King of Scotland by  disposing of  Braveheart.


    Jeez Eggy! my scottish ancestors fought on the other side.They came from Falkirk.

    There's more, there are large family estates on both sides of the family, but of course it's not in the hands of the family. They cost money and we have little.

    So you were the enemy? It's interesting.
    One of our neighbours in the street has a family castle somewhere in England. Whenever she goes to England, it's free board and lodging. Not bad, hey?

    One of my cousins researched & wrote a book about my mothers family.She travelled all over the world to get the info.

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