    Can we as individuals do anything to save planet earth? Any ideas.

    +6  Views: 611 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  That's a motto here.

    We do as much as we can in this house ... a bit over the top as my next door neighbour does nothing at all.  He is a bit of a jerk that way.

    My girls think I am a hippy.

    I don't give a flying fig.   I am trying not to cause the earth too much grief.  I must say that using all natural products to clean your house means that you will be cleaning a lot more.  Sad and true.


    ***a flying...?

    I have been doing my bit for years to try and save Mother Earth we just have to keep doing it and teach or children how it is so important and not to be a throw away society


    dondowning big brother is watching you and me heeee you are welcome I love giving my mates TU its goog feeling factor xxxx

    By gardening without chemicals,initiate communication with our dogs, cats and other animals, save or plant a tree, respect and preserve the eviroment. By living in partnership with mother earth and her creatures. By refusing food irridation and factory foods, chemotherapies and unnecessary surgeries for people and pets by fighting against oppression against animals, women and minorities, by fighting to preserve wild land and wetlands, by fighting against abuse of children, women and animals.Greed is mother natures biggest enemy. Those who have the power will bring us all to the brink of destruction.

    I think it all starts by voting for officials that actually care about the envirorment  , term limits would help as well. as individuals we can make a change only through our goverment..

    Well, we haven't been able to re-create it yet. We can sure harm it less. Recycle. Perhaps when someone throws something on the ground we could pick it up ourselves without saying a word. We don't do it to trash our self-image, we do it to make up for the trash that we've thrown in the past.

    I used to be apathetic and dream that I would some day be above it all so, "Why look back?"                I've lived long enough to know that the only reason to look back is to take personal responsibility for my wrongs and then to do what's right. Things don't pile up as high as they used to! God doesn't create trash. Nighty night.

    Individually, nothing. I'm hearing that a group of local "Tree Huggers" are attempting to shut down drag strips through out my area. They claim it's a waste of fuel, as these machines consume approximately 3 Gallons per 1/4 mile run. The noise supposedly is scaring the local wildlife as well. When will this insanity stop? Since when is a bird more important than a human? This sport generates incredible revenue for the people in an economically hard hit area. "Green" people basically suck, they have no lives and focus on making a career out of creating misery for others. "Green" people, keep this up and there won't be any green in your wallets.

    ed shank

    A lesson in futility.

    It is an uphill fight to many people don't care .Young ones I know don't maybe the next generation might "Who knows or cares .But my friend you made a very good point.I like yourself and the guys on this Site Do I care.

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