    What is beautiful and great about Canada?

    +3  Views: 781 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Scenery, people,things to see and do, great cities, lower crime rate than U.S.

    8 Answers



    You stole my thunder eggy, first thing I thought was "The mermaid" our Fish Girl.

    I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise over the Canadian Coastal Mountain Range. The air cool and crisp against the golden leaves of fall being hailed by the bright rays of the sun. There was a wind lapping at the ocean turning her into a rage of blue with huge white caps churning and rolling in a mass of constant change. The air is fresh and crisp. I am free today to see all of this because our brave soldiers gave their lives for this very moment in time. I am proud to be Canadian. Thanks for posting a question like this.


    It also has the Sister Hospital to Great Ormond Street(hospital for sick children) Hospital for sick children Toronto.

    Everything is very clean, so much to see.

    The women, they are all beautiful.


    wow. beauty is a wonderful thing!

    Eggy hit it in one.Fishgirl,And MOM!! I've never been there but the pictures are stunning.

    I know people who have been there too & they have nothing but praise for the place.

    Lovely scenery,lovely people.

    I am totally fascinated by the native Americans there.Very colourful people.

    It would be interesring to know how many Canadians are on this site? I watched the winter Olmpics which were held in Canada, the scenery, the people, the culture, absolutely fantastic, as an Aussie i love my country but Canada would come a close second. I have met a few Canadians in OZ., there seems to be a lot of here amd they are always warm and friendly.  VIVA CANADA.

    The one very important beautiful thing about Canada I forgot to mention in my previous answer...........CELINE DION.

    Justin Bieber?  Well perhaps not.

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