    How do you encourage a young mans intrest in history and the military, while discouraging a facinastion with Nazi Germany?

    +2  Views: 719 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    The Nazi museum in Berlin.  See if you can Google it.  Sad and shocking.  I have been there.

    Germans are ashamed of that part of their history... at least the ones that I have known.

    The rest is the love of learning.  No one can take your education away from you.  It belongs to you.


    Thank you I will check it out!

    Just get him to learn the facts and to read the Stanley Milgram experiment carried out at Yale University, USA. 


    Is it an easy read??? He is not a text book kind of kid.

    Jenn -I am not sure - didn't know how old he was? However, I learned of this some time ago but in no way young. It is on the internet I am sure, or perhaps, as I am not sure if they actually go into the experiment. It was held with a group of medical students who were submitted to certain levels of pain - simplistically to see when they submitted to this pain being administered. It illustrates how any human being will possibly react to this and it therefore is not only the German Race who are capable of this type of submission. Check it out see what you think.

    Justification is just not in the mix with the Nazi's. Cruelty never is. The movie " The Pianist " just touches what the Jewish people had to endure. There shouldn't be any facination, but pity for those who can be that inhumane. In todays world.. this type of cruelty is still ongoing. Human beings, being the most intelligent life on earth, shows that we still have a long way to go to becoming humane throughout the world.


    Thank you for the movie Title.. I was going to have him watch Shienler List.

    However unpleasant Nazi Germany did exist. It is a testament as to the insanity that man is capable of, and is still able to destroy not just a race or religion but the earth and every living thing on it.

    I curious as to the fascination with the Nazi's. They seem to be a contradiction to an interest in the military.

    ed shank

    My mother a German Christian was 12 years old when the war started. The family became separated somehow and she was for a time sentenced to six months in a concentration camp for stealing scrapes out of a military garbage can filled with potato peels. My Grandfather was picked up in the middle of the night never to be seen again, also a German Christian. They said he died of natural causes. Horror stories but history never the less.

    I think you need to ask him  why he is facinated with the history of the Nazis. There are many books, that he can borrow from the library and read. and probably movies he can rent. Believe me, there is nothing facinating about world war 2.  My family and I lived it.

    I 'am fascinated with the Nazi's I can't believe how they got into a possition of power like they did and how the population of Germany allowed them to commit the horrible and disgraceful acts that they carried out time after time before they even got into a position of real power . If you want him to understand what despicable, awful and grotesque  monsters they were Get him the World at War series  it's old but very very good it was on when I was a child and is now being repeated again on the history channel it never ceases to amaze sicken and horrify. it shows every aspect of the Second World War not just the Nazi's but the Allies too their sacrifice and bravery in their fight back against the Axis forces . The narrative is brilliant well done Sir Lawrence Olivier.


    He has seen it. He thought is was fasinating... I did not watch it with him. Does it romatisize The Nazi Regiem?

    No it shows them to be the Evil muderous monsters that they were

    Germany was dealt a heavy blow as a result of losing WW II. Couple that with the Great Depression, and a megalomaniac like Hitler who rallied a nation perhaps as no ever has, led an "educated" and cultural society to gain a foothold and thrive. Add Anti-Semitism to the mix, and that's how they gained power. When things go bad, people are scapegoated. There are parallels to what happened then and now. More people are hurting than at any time since the Depression. Let's hope "cooler heads" prevail.

    The people of Germany may have been hurting in the 1920's and thirties but the people at the top were not hurting and they let it happen just as much as the people . Today's people at the top arn't hurting either

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