    Can you give advil to a dog who is have joint pain?

    +2  Views: 614 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Bigsister I am sorry i posted something earlier and it could be wrong as i said you must ask your Vet on all matters concerning your animals as we are not Vets on this site if you go on google there are postings and there are some Vets on line and they can even help you good luck and sorry for the confusen

    5 Answers

    YOU must ask Vet for the advise as we are not Vets on this Web Site .....Glucosomine is very good for dogs also super Cissus is another good joint thing for dogs check it on the web site


    Hi mel, are you sure it's OK to give him Advil. I know Tylenol is a killer for dogs and cats and I thought I heard the same about Advil. I've always felt safe giving them baby aspirin according to their weight.
    country bumpkin

    I'm with Yvonne on this one Mel. I must have missed the update but, how is Harvy? Did he pull through? Oh, I hope so. (*~*)

    Yvonne I checked it with Google I highlighted Adfil and it said it as ok but i did say in the Answer that she should see the Vet on this and also reccomended Glocosomine for the joints and super Cissus which is better I think than Adfil and Adfil is Ibrobufrin I know that it does contain a bit of paracitomol in it but certainly not as much as tylenol has thanks for the comment Evonne please check it out to make sure I have given the right info and I also said that we are not Vets thanks let me know on the info cheers xxxx

    country bumpkin I have now deleted the affending words to be safe please read on Evonnes and my comments thanks

    country bumpkin forgot to say yes Harvey is doing so much better thanks to al of your thoughts and preyers I did post something but as you say you missed it they go round so quick and thank you again for thinking of him
    country bumpkin

    Hi Mel. We all make mistakes with our answers on here sometimes. I am not offended and I hope I did'nt embarrass you because this certainly was not my attention. I want to be told if I accidently give incorrect info too and I hope people are polite about it such as Yvonne was to you.
    A few people on here have asked what are dangerous foods to feed a dog. I have always told them that Avocados are bad. A couple of months ago a popular dog food brand came out with a new flavor. Guess what the main ingredient is? Yep, that's correct, it's Avocado.
    I'm tickled plumb pink about Harvey. Our God is an awesome God!

    mel, I didn't mean to put you on the spot especially being the animal lover that you are. You pointed out in your answer to check with the vet so you did the right thing. Advil certainly won't kill the dog but it can hurt their tummy. So can baby aspirin if they are given too much. People have to take responsibility for their own pets. I wouldn't give my dog something just because someone other than the vet told me it was OK. So, don't worry your pretty little head about it. You said the right thing. regards/yvonne57

    Yvonne thanks for the comment I do feel a bit better but I am glad I deleated it! thanks again for your support on this site ps wish I was a VET xxx

    country bumkin thanks for the support and no I was not offended I would rather be pulled up on something like this as i would hate to give wrong info with regarding any animals I will speak to my son he works for Merc in the UK and they have Vets on site as I have to get to bottom of this .....regarding harvey you are right I couldnt have done it with out all the preyers everyone gave him and Yvonne was very polite she is a good Mod xxxx

    west-bus so am I glad I got rid of the posting though I did get this info from google xxxx

    Get a product called Recovery.  It is natural and works wonders.  I have used it with dogs and also the human version for myself.  It's fantastic.

    country bumpkin

    Where do you buy this product? My older dog turns 11 on the 10th and he's slowing down-becoming a little stiff. My cat is 14 years old. She can only use 3 legs because of her arthritis. This could be good for her.

    It is made by Purica
    country bumpkin

    Thanks FG. I"ve never heard of it. Like you said, we may not carry it here in the states.

    You can help your dog best if you switch him to an all natural diet. Like Natural Life"Give him 500-1000 mg Vitamin C and add 3-5 drops of Codliver Oil to his food. a day . You can add Glucosamine,, 500 mg for a large dog and 250 mg for medium to small dog, Also Vit. E-50 mg, a day. That schould help him with his Arthritis.

    country bumpkin

    Hi Ann: I have to take fish oil tablets for my cholesterol. I started giving this to my old dog because he has developed dry-brittle patches of hair in some places. I give him 3 per day dipped in peanut butter so he'll eat them. After just a couple of months, his hair became soft again. I know I'm helping his old heart too. Question: Do you know if the fish oil is helping his joints?

    CB, the fish oil would be good if you can find one that is pure, made from cold water fish. Many have flavors, dont tell what fish it comes from, what country.Its safer to buy mackerel, fresh salmon or sardines. Never buy farm raised fish.

    country bumpkin, I don't put fish oil on my joints.  It makes them taste funny when I smoke them.  LOL  yvonne57

    country bumpkin

    Good one Yvonne! I've been in tears all day long. You made me laugh for the first time and I needed a good laugh. (*~*)

    No, No and NO.  Do not give a dog Tylenol or Advil.  Only give him BABY ASPIRIN.  It will help tremendously.  I gave my poodle baby aspirin for his arthritis.  Again, NO on ibuprofen and NO on acetaminophen.  They both will kill his liver and kill him. 

    country bumpkin

    Yes Yvonne, I totally agree with you. Only give a dog low dose aspirin.Never give Tylenol or Advil or Ibuprofin. Anything with Acetaminophen or -------Ah, I forgot the other one.

    Evonne I have deleted the main words to be safe i have had another look and Merc on the veternary side said you can but I relise this is a risk and I dont want to be responceble thanks hope this ok xx

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