    thing to do in the hospital to keep from going nuts.... mom is in the hosp.. I am staring to think the walls are closing in.... lol

    when i was young my hubby taped his cousin to a chair to entertian my mom while I was in surgery... his cousin put the potapotty in the hall while and sat on it with a news paper tell evewryone that passedby  he was stuck. awww those were the days....

    Mom has carodid artry surg... and had a reation to the pain med... her bp os high and we a stuck at the hosp.. I am so bored.... any ideas that wont get me arrested?

    +5  Views: 835 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    I hope your Mom gets well soon. Give her a hug from me when you can.xxoo

    Sorry to hear about your mom being in the hospital, hope that she get well soon. Lots of Love.

    11 Answers

    yep a laptop is one of the best.  Then there are those puzzle books crosswords.  You can play games on the laptop. Stay in touch with friends and various other things.  Books, I read when Carl is at the hospital and take my laptop and do work.  




    there are several codes they use... there is a terror attack, amn with gun, missing child, air born toxin ect... i think it is kinda brilliant...

    wrote you back

    Band boy you are incorrect... as usual. Get back on your tour bus.

    My dad has been in the hospital for a few months now so we have made an effort to get to know some of the patients in there. I bring in flowers we all and sit and chat with them. I think it's nice for them to know  strangers care enough to listen to their woes. Sometimes you can get the writing board and play x and o's, hang man. Help them with what they need that the nurses don't have time for. Get everyone in the room acquainted and talking so everyone has company. wheel chair races down a long corridor can be a hoot.

    You need a laptop to stay in touch  with us to kill time or does a laptop require something I don't know about?  Cut out snow flakes out of paper, toilet paper, and tape them to the windows...? Call me, I'm listed.... I know you are bored, so, so sorry..........


    I would take you up on calling but my cell died... I dont own a laptop.. iam on my moms at her house right now.. the hosp made me leave a while ago....

    Damn hospitals........
    country bumpkin

    I just read it. I have to get up at 5 and it's late. I want to reply with a good head on my shoulders but I'm too sleepy to make much since now. I totally agree with you though. I'll get back to you as soon as I finish my clinicals tomorrow. (*~*)

    I know how boring hospitals can be, I am in and our every couple of months, if your mum has a private room try changing the bed around so it faces in a different direction, that confuses them, I also change the name on the bed, and write instead of nil by mouth to pancakes only, and the last resort is crosswords,you can usually involve everyone in these including visitors that are really pretending to visit someone else,and there is always the friendly tea lady in need of a break so I take her trolley and give everyone beer.


    I am so moving the bed in the morning... LOL I love it....I change the nurses names on the board to Nurse Jackie and Dr. Frankinstien.... I about fell on the floor laughing when the second shift nurse came in and her name was Jackie.. .LOL (Nurse Jackie is a racey TV show in the states) Under special intructions I wrote.. smile it make us wonder what you are thinking....

    You guys are hilarious. I love it.

    Sorry Jenn but I don't know how to respond.We spend a lot of time at the hospital waiting while our daughter is attended to.We once sat in the same chairs for 13 hours waiting for a decision to admit her for treatment.There's nothing to do.The TVs don't bloody work.You could take a book but that will probably only make you sleepy.It's better if you have some company but it take a real pal to do that with you.Lots of luck anyhow,Tommy

    Hospitals can be frustrating and boring places,and of course depressing.If your mom is well enough,can you take her to the caffeteria or to a sitting room ?just to leave the ward for a breath of fresh air helps the monotany.

    sorry to hear  jenn, my prayers are with you as well as your family, why not read a good book or even get a laptop to stay in touch with all your aka buddies


    when i was in hospital, i had this nice nurse that would come in and chat for a few when she could. we even closed the door and sang a couple songs. silly may be but was  little fun.


    I bet it made you feel alot better. How are you, by the way?

    ive started chemo last week. they said by my third treatment my hair will all fall out. i go back tomorrow nov 4. off two weeks then on two weeks till whenever.
    country bumpkin

    You're in my prayers (though I have not been doing much praying lately). I know you have a long hard road ahead of you but just stay strong. I think women have this inner strengh that emerges from down deep within her/their own soul that a man can seldom ever understand nor know how to utililize when trials such as these arise. (*~*)

    My Aunt had the most beautiful wig collection. She looked fantastic. Treat yourself. I think about you every day and say a little prayer.
    xo Fish Girl

    CArmax.. My heart and prayers are with you.... I sing theough the halls all the time.. Not only does it lift my spirits but the others in the area.. Sometimes they join in... :)

    Hi Jenn... I have finally a minute to answer your question.... and now you don't need it.   You have been through so much.  I hope today is a bit up and your Mom is on the mend.

    xoxo FishGirl

    Thanks, mom - that's exactly what I did when my mother was in the nursing home. I would visit other patients. Sometimes it would be for 5 minutes or less. But they always brightened up when I came into the room. And it brightened me up, too. I took walks up and down the halls, and made friends with the help. Sat in different areas. Hard to concentrate on reading a book even tho I am a voracious reader, so I would look through magazines, which is really quite fun - especially the gossip magazines, which I never buy. And yes, I would have the attendants put Mom in a wheelchair and I would take her to different areas of the building and always out to the patio if the weather was fair. These are long, long hours to be sure. I am thinking of you and your mom. Many blessings.

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