    Colleen is very much missed!

    I'm feeling a little bit guilty about how much we depend on her. I'm concerned for her safety right now...I hope she makes it back real soon and feels like WORKING!!!!!!!

    +3  Views: 747 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Dont worry girl she is having a "Ball of a time .That is "Snowball

    8 Answers

    As of this morning there are still 1 million people without  power. Connecticut was hit the hardest., She should be back by tomorrow, I hope. I am sure she is alright, . They opened shelters for people without power.


    The weather must be really bad over there

    Its actually warming up. It was 48 degrees here today. Still snow along roadways and where I live in the woods.

    yes indeed she sure is , without her we can't delete these rude questions as well as answers..she' is is the top dog ..bow wow

    She's a tough Broad ( I mean that in a good way) and I'm sure she'll be okay. I do hope she comes back soon.

    I think OBAMA put a curse on her for giving him "Lip I said some nice things about him our weather is light winds and rain .Should be snowing by now 

    I hope she is doing ok and is up to smaking those bad eggs computer land style when she returns.

    Well, I hope she gets power soon and something hot to eat and back on line eventually...

    If Colleen is taking a break, it is a wonderful thing.  Everybody needs a break from all things, every now and then.  We pray for her safety, rest, happiness and fun!  And when she returns everyone will be thrilled and she will be energized and happy too.


    I assure you she won't be shivering, she is well prepared and she has her doggies to keep her warm.

    Yes.. I miss my sweet, gentle, lovable, kitten.... I am staring to worry.. I hope she is staying with friends who have water and power....

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