    Today is my dog's 9th birthday!

    We will take a walk by the lake this morning, then go to town this afternoon where she'll pick out a new toy at PetSmart, then, of course, tonight is her party! Do you celebrate your pets' birthdays?




    +6  Views: 1011 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Both of my pets were previously owned. I don't know their birthdays or even their actual ages. but, I love them and celebrate eeveryday I have them... Here's to you David Jean and Worthless...........!


    Our Shanti is adopted also. She was born on the Gila Indian Reservation. Since we never knew her actual birth date, we picked one out for her!

    That's sweet. I couldn't even begin to guess our pet's ages... They are just getting older and

    My hubby and I always laugh about the fact that we are more conscious of our dog's weight and exercise than we are about our own! Shanti's ideal weight is 40 lbs, and it takes discipline (ours) to keep her at that weight!

    "David Jean" goes to the vet tomorrow (Fri) and I'm sure I'll get jumped on for his weight (about 85 pounds...). It is so hard to tell him "no" and keep all of the pizza to ourselves....

    Your dog is beautiful, winfia. I used to celebrate my pets b-days but I've gotten out of the habit. You've made me feel a little guilty so maybe i'll start celebrating them again. I'm sure all my pets appreciate you for this. They would all come and lick your sweet face if they could. LOL Happy Birthday.


    Awe ... I don't allow face-licking, but neck-licking would be just fine!

    Presently I have no dogs  but I have had some great companions. Now I have to play fetch with my chickens but that upsets them so I had to stop.


    I love chickens! I'd have them if I could. My first job was collecting eggs every morning. I was 4.



    Thank you fish girl. I do get a lot of compliments on her looks. They wonder what kind of dog she is and I say, "Native American," because she was born on an indian reservation. We had a german shepherd that sang. We had 3 kids at home and we all would howl with her every night. I'm sure the neighbors thought we were nuts.

    wow cute little fella ,maybe you should take him out for a t-bone stake..your treat of course..


    Oh she loves steak! But she got chicken last night.

    Happy birthday to  him. He is so beautiful. Have good time.


    She does look like a boy, doesn't she. A lot of people mistake her for one ... but I will NOT put a pink collar on her, no way!

    Our dog Field Marshall says to tell your dog Happy Birthday!  What's her name?


    Her name is Shanti. Means "peace within" in Sanscrit. She was named by a teacher who was working on the Gila Indian Reservation when she and Shanti became friends. She was the smallest dog running with the pack, and the teacher obtained permission from the chief to adopt her. We got her when she was 1 1/2.

    clu what a fantastic name "Field Marshall" I bet he would fancy winifia's girl dog. 


    I'll bet he would! After all these years, my daughter's American Bulldog will not leave her alone!

    What a great name she has - Shanti - with such a superb meaning.

    she is beautiful yes i always celebrate dogs birthdays what is her name!


    Shanti, which means "peace within" in Sanscrit. Her first owner gave her that name to counteract the pit bull in her.

    winfia very nice name she really is adorable give a big kiss from me xxx mel

    She looks great - I'm sure she'll have lots of fun, treats and of course hugs from you and I'm sending a big tweeze from me. Never did or do know my pets birthdays.Don't we just get so daft when it comes to animals - they are so great.  


    We also have 3 cats. We adore our animals.

    Winfia,she looks adorable.Hope she has a fun day.


    She really enjoyed PetSmart. Walked right in this time and did not even hesitate at the door. I just let her wander around at her leisure. She was not a bit interested in the toys, but she did pick out some treats!

    Celebrate my pets' birthdays? I don't celebrate my birthday............""

    Well maybe?


    Headless Man

    She's really a sweet dog, just caught her in a playful

    Randy your dog has really nice white teeth! and good pink tounge she/he look very healthy fab dog xxx

    What a great photo!

    WOW she is amazing... I miss my Shepard..... They are so funny. Give her a sueeze for me.

    beautiful baby! Happy Birthday! We do christmas but not bdays


    Thank you ... yeah she still looks pretty young, doesn't she? Not bad for 63!!!

    She looks to be in top condition.It's good to see a well looked after dog.

    Happy birthday & many happy returns.


    Yup, thanks, we walk her twice a day and keep her at 40 lbs. She broke her pelvis as a puppy, so we also have her on glucosomine and condroitin and RX food for bones and joint strengh.

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