    HAPPY HALLOWEEN to our American Cousins from OZ.

    IT is already All Hallows eve here (7.30pm Tuesday) , the grand kids wanted to go door to door for halloween which is very new to OZ, the kids see the event on tv, books and movies so they want to do it .  I asked my grand duaghter what is Halloween, she told me 'Americans do it."she had no idea, so itook them arond the neighbourhood, trick or treating, i had a ball to seetheir faces light up when given sweets by most people. i was surprised at how many kids with their parents walking around in various costumes, can't wait till next year.

    +7  Views: 762 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hi, bulletman, did you buy any chickens? I'm about to lose one to old age. I don't think she'll last the week. She doesn't appear to be suffering, but then they hide everything so well.

    I bought some chocolate olives, but no kids came to the door, lucky them, heh, heh.

    Eggie, where would i get live chickens. Choc.olives are better than Laxettes.

    9 Answers

    Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's here!

    I'm so glad you took the grandkids to trick or treat. It 's priceless seeing them in their costumes,  watching them have a blast  going door to door begging for candy. LOL ( Just remember to check the apples).


    Country bumpk, what are you talking about, what apples ?
    country bumpkin

    Some crazy/ sick in the head person, stuck a razor blade in an apple many many moons ago and when the kid bit into it, his mouth was sliced to pieces.

    Country Bumpk, do the kids receive apples as treats.
    country bumpkin

    Not anymore! People don't only give out just candy. Some of the older folks hand out money and some people give toothbrushes. LOL
    I'm off to my clincals now. Have a good day.

    Thank you, I'm looking forward to tonight and seeing all the kids dressed up and my big dog barking and causing terror.....It reminds me of my younger days....

    So what do you know it's pumpkin time - enjoy. I actually found, when looking for a telephone number a small cut out piece of paper with recipe for Pumpkin soup - will not be making this as no one to make it for - enjoy all the fun. 

    country bumpkin

    If we lived nearer one another, I would come eat Pumpkin soup with you. (*~*)

    Thank you CB - how cosy and great this would be.

    My G-kids had a great time.One lady even gave money.They can't wait till next year.We had one wicked witch (aged 8) & 1 x 2 1/2 year old green goblin with the cutest smile you have ever seen on a goblin.

     US UK Canada Australia Black Kitty 
    happy Halloween to everyone



    Mel, I love the smileys, but no good to me not compatable for Apple.

    bulletman I didnt know that apple (mac) could not have the central smiley! I would give up my lapdog for a Appleby much better performance ect xx

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO EVERYBODY!!! I just saw a parade around the block of hundreds of kids from the elementary school a couple blocks nice that the school (same one I went to many, many, many years ago) does that now as many children here do not get to go out trick or treating as it is a high crime area (southside Chicago) or their parents can't take them or can't afford costumes so this parade made it really special for many of them. One of the neighbors told me that the teachers even chipped in to "create" costumes for the poorer kids who can't afford them! I hope they make this parade an annual tradition as this was the first and the children looked absolutely ecstatic!.....(:

    country bumpkin

    This is fabulous!

    So happy for them.

    Hey Bullet, What are we Canadians to you ? Chopped beaver liver ?


    HEY, DIGGER. no offence to all Canadians on this site, i did not sealise you have Halloween as well, you know digger i have never seen a Beaver, except in films. HAPPY HALLOWEEN , CANADA.

    Oh, yes you have. More than you know ;-)

    You know Digger when ever is see your id name i think you are from OZ,as our soldiers are called diggers. a little trivia for you. :)

    I didn't know that. What's the significance in military terms? I feel honoured.

    I can count on both hands and one foot the number of trick or treaters that came to my door tonight. Like I wrote elsewhere, my house is at odd angles to the neighborhood....

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