    how much do you poop in a day

    +3  Views: 599 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    A poopy question!  Lovely.

    as much as i`ve eaten. no more no less. unless you got diarrhea then you shooting water

    Nunna ya bizness!

    Oh lovely question!!!!!

    How often or how much? I don't measure my poop in either case....

    Aren't you getting just a wee bit too personal??

    Usually takes a day unless you have diarrhoea or not eaten for a while - quite a while that is. 

    not nearly as much as i talk..

    Sewage treatment facilities are designed using the consideration of 600 pounds of solid material sewage per person, per year or about 1.6 pounds per day. Without these facilities we would not have cities and disease would be rampant. I originated the term “sanitation engineer” to help uplift the status of sanitation workers and provide them with decent wages in 1952, in Fort Worth Texas…the site of the first sanitation workers strike for wages and benefits  in the US. 

    a poop a day keeps the doctors away

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