    How would you get over your ex?

    +1  Views: 553 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Start a new book, join an exercise class, take up a new interest (not a new man/woman just yet), get a new set of clothes, clean up your home (closets, drawers, yard), learn a craft, do some volunteer work.  In other words, change is the time to get out of the rut and start over!


    You're so right

    Pick up a copy of HOW TO SURVIVE THE LOSS OF A LOVE and read it cover to cover. It should take one night to read it..........


    You are too nice.!

    Thank you

    iT TOOK TIME.  And an awakening of some sort.  My ex left on 2/22/03.  On 7/8/04, I had a vision (either a day-dream or night dream, or epiphany...SOMETHING) which I vividly remember to this very moment. 
    I was a pedestrian on a busy street in NYC.  People were just coming at me, cars honking, park across the street, storefronts all loaded with stuff...NOISE and COMMOTION.  Suddenly, ahead of me, I saw my ex's bald head.  Frantically, I started pushing my way through the people who were coming toward me, trying to get to him.  Trying sooooo hard to get to him.  He turned at the end of the block (to the left).  FINALLY, I made it to the end of the block and turn to the left.
    The street was empty.  No cars, Nothing in the store windows, No people.  NOTHING.  "There is nothing here," I said to myself.  And then it hit the empty, barren, ghost town of a street....with nothing there, so was my marriage.  There was nothing there.
    I never cried another tear, never spoke another angry word to him.  Today we have a comfortable enough relationship (he is remarried recently).  I am sad that I am alone at this would be nice to be an empty-nester with the person you had nested with, but that's OK. 
    The big thing was, it took TIME.  And therapy....don't forget the therapy!

    Just have to realize that things just weren't meant to be


    Much easier said than done...feelings seldom just dissolve...even for the one who leaves the relationship. Not vapor...

    Depends, is it a marriage. Casual relationship. F**k buddy. I'm married for 42 years, I would never be able too get over losing my wife to someone else or if she just got tired of me and blew me off. I would definitely move very far away, for a while anyway. Probably Europe, for reasons I won't get into here. If your dating for a relatively short time, time will ease the pain eventually.

    Time ... It take time.

    When I was hysterical over a loss I called one of those crisis lines. The woman I spoke to said, “It  just takes time, Dear?

    “How much time?!! I <screamed>

    “Just as long as it takes” she said.

    That’s simlplistic but it worked for me!  Good luck.

    Use the painful times to work on your life. If you have been unhappy with how you look, start up with a gym and find a trainer to motivate and show you how to train properly, go buy a few new outfits from the panties out. Go to the bookstore and look through the self help section, you will find the right thing to read, join a class...I recommend pole dancing...lots of fun, open your phone book and start calling old friends and make fun plans. Move your furniture around in your home and if you can, buy a few new things to redecorate and make it different. Put away the things that hold sentiment to you for don't need constant reminders.I guess what I am saying is get busy and rediscover the you  you were before you got into this relationship and learn to love yourself again.


    I did all of the above except the pole dancing... shoot!

    lol...never too lait;)

    Did not take me long good riddance to bad rubbish.

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