    How do you handle those days when you can’t think of what to do and feel blaw?

    Maybe you feel ok but can’t get started and even though you may have work to do, you really don’t feel like starting.


    0  Views: 498 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    When I wrote this question I was thinking of all those wasted days when it seemed like my light bulb had gone very dim. I have had friends who felt so depressed that they wanted to die and some did. I'm more of a hands-on kind of guy who dives into problems, even problems like this with the intent to solve the problem by poking at it until it gives up...gets worse or quits. To me depression and the blaws calls for remedy and I will try anything to eleminate the problem.
    The first step in solving a problem is recognising the fact that you are not the problem.
    In the case of depression the problem has a cause and we know the problem is in the brain and is an error in the brains proformance. Thinking about the problem and possible answers can give you control over depression and find a way to signal your own release from depression. When you learn to do that you may not need some new medicine to help you control your own can do that yourself.
    When I started thinking about how to solve the problem of depression it was obvious that it was as if the world had become very booring, that I could do nothing right and that there was nothing that I could do. So I decided to objectify the idenity of the problem...give it names and think about what it looks like. To me it looked like a black bed sheet in a dark room. No color and not reflecting light from either side. I thought, maybe its a letter someone wrote me...but because I could not make any letters on it I decided to call it Black Mail. The thought came to mind to burn the blackmail and so I set it on fire in my mind and watched it crumble into ashes. I continued to do that until all of the black mail had been burned up and I felt so much better. I may have to do this again and again so I wrote this little note to myself about this and should I feel so blaw again I can pull this from my foulder on the subject.

    You do not sound or look like this at all usually - what you are saying sounds like lack of motivation try what fish girl says play some Blues or inspiring music. Just to say there are two types of depression Endogenous - not knowing why you feel down and exzogenous down because of something that has happened to you or those near you.

    2 Answers

    I had a professor who told me on days like that clean your studio. It works for me. Before I know it the blahs have been replaced with a good idea and enthusiasm.
    You have a lot of interests and collectables ... try organizing something or looking up a subject you are interested in on line...I bet you will be fired up in no time.
    Hi guys. I am trying to TU your answers et al, but it's not working at all today. Comments aren't either. I will catch up when these problems are sorted out. Fish

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