    what do you think of gender?

    0  Views: 613 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Well Goofy 44 that is a complex question.  Out there complex.  I had a friend years ago who wore more make-up than his wife at their wedding.  He looked amazing. 

    Any single person knows what gender they are or are not.  It may be the time that we just let it all be good. 

    Life is pretty short.

    You may as well fill it with glorious opinions.

    Gender is great especialy if you have one.  But if not, you can always look for one.  Any way I agree with fish girl. 

    I like being one of them..........

    It's part of being a human.  Do you know what it is?

    Well, Goofy44 - If you want some Karma, better ask a question that is not so, uh, goofy ...

    What if you're neither this nor that? An in betweener. I know a person who didn't know if he was Arthur or Marther.

    I guess for some, it could be a real pain in the b_tt if you don't know.

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