    how do i get my e-mail?

    since i got update explorer 9 i can get e-mail


    0  Views: 1229 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Things to know about IE9 

    Go to e-mail: Go to the log on page by typing your e-mail providers name + log on into your search engine (the short bar on your browser). Then log on by entering your user name and password. Once in the e-mail program, click the in box tab.


    I have two... I just goole one and the site appears.  I then punch in my email name and password and is by magic ... the email zone-o-rama appears.

    The other is gmail and so I just go to  gmail and email-extravaganza! appears before my eyes.

    Good luck.

    If it is hotmail just google and the site will appear.

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