    Do you have a phobia? My phobia is heights!

    I am extremely afraid of heights. I can't look out of high rise building windows. The ferris wheel scared me to death.

    +11  Views: 1186 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    Heights are terrifying. My hands get sweaty driving over a tall bridge or up a steep mountain. Those guardrails won't keep my car from careening down the hill....looking over the edge causes nausea sometimes. Forget the ferris wheel....that isn't going to happen!

    20 Answers

    I need my space...claustrophobic....don't fence me in so I can't even move!!!  In my car, if I end up in a bumper to bumper traffic jam, I become claustophobic.  Once I actually got out and started walking.    Elevators are  a little scary, too.  Sitting in the middle of a row of seats in a packed theatre......waiting in a crowded doctor's office.....even having someone sit or stand too close to me can stress me. 
    The worst time was when I got arrested .  The officer handcuffed me and put me in the back seat of his car, then shut the door.  The windows were up and there was a partition between the front and back seats.  I couldn't move...trapped.....I had an anxiety attack in the car. 


    Yeah, Bob or PKB, whoever you are. How do we know which one of you is responding?? I've been wondering that!

    I don't like heights, but my worst fear is rats. I can't help looking at them, but they make me shudder. Don't know how anyone can touch them or let them crawl on them. oh I'm shruddering now.


    I'm with you on that one sunnyB,I can't even stand to see them on tv.

    In college my preschool class enjoyed the white rat. I took it out on special occasions. As I read sunnyB and Cleveland Rick, I’m feeling kinda sick. How did I do that?!!

    Rats are horrid! My uncle was bitten by one as an infant; he had some disabilities and it was always a question about that rat incident being the catalyst. Good man...

    I am terrified of the dark, i am 55 yrs old and have tried to conquer this fear many times in my life, but its still with me,

    i think its because the lady that used to look after me as a child used to lock me in her huge walnut wardrobe, if i am in the dark, i can feel the fear of when i was 3....they say the child makes the adult...


    "they say the child makes the adult", I've never heard that phrase but, oh so true!!! Thank you for sharing.

    That childhood experience would have the same effect on me. That's horrible.

    I used to be afraid of the dark but I outgrew it. It took me a while. I was around your age when the fear finally left me. It can be overcome ... keep working on it!

    I'm scared when driving through mountains.  I agree with Bob that those guardrails aren't nearly tall enough!  Love flying though.

    Rats.  I completely loose it. 

    I have a fear of being homeless,even tho I've never been the fear is always there.

    I have the fear of germs, I cannot go into public toilets,eat out at restaurants,etc.


    I think about germs everywhere, too, but not irrationally. I just use common sense, toilet seat covers, wash hands often, use the paper towel I dried hands with to open the door and use sanitizer. I haven't died of germs yet!!

    Are snakes clean in their habits do they not eat vermin such as rats small birds and shed their skins every where

    No, I don't have any phobias, but I think a lot of people have a spelling phobia.


    They are frightened to spell correctly.

    Good one! They seem to be afraid of using proper grammar too! Great combination.

    1.  Heights. I can't believe I was once a window washer working off an electric scaffold 16 stories in the air. 

    2.  Small spaces. Spent four days in the "Hole" while in jail. I'm 6'-1" and couldn't lay on the floor without touching a wall. Completely naked and no light in the cell. Almost went insane.


    Sounds “cruel & unusual” to me. Sorry for that god-awful experience.

    Flying and in small spaces sorry cant spell the correct name for it


    flying in small spaces, eh? That would bother me too.

    tee hee. : D

    thanks itsmee heee

    Hi. Flying-Aerophobia. Small spaces-Claustrophobia.

    thanks west-bus I am so glad you can spell!and yes got both of them xxx

    Creepy crawly or flying BUGS!  I can't stand for one to touch me.  A tomato worm is the ugliest critter around.

    SPIDERS!  Always has been so for me and don't know why. They gross me out and frighten me to the core. I can handle anything else, roaches, ants, mice, snakes, but not spiders.  And, Umbriel, my husband is my "spider slayer" hero. I make him put them outside whenever possible, as I know they are good in this world, but he doesn't like them  either. Does it for me as my fear is irrational,  almost instinctual.

    Being buried alive.I watched a TV show about that subject,didn't sleep that night.

    I'm getting cremated when I die.I want to be damn sure I'm dead & not covered over with soil.

    Snakes. My fear is over the top. I fear them on TV. If one is on TV and my husband is with me he shouts “Shut your eyes, Itsmee! It’s an S.” Even the word bothers me. Ohhhh! This thread.

    Cleveland Rick, I fear being homeless too. It’s quite unlikely but still ... OMG!

    And spiders ... and black rats ...

    It’s been real, Chilleanne but it hasn’t been real fun. 

    Have you ever considered bringing a disinfectant to alleviate some of your fear? I purposely attempt to avoid touching the door handle on the way out of a public bathroom. The rational going on in my head is, I don't know if whoever touched it last washed their hands before doing so.

    I've seen some the of the best dressed, respectable looking people come out of a bathroom, and I go in to use it after them, only to find they pissed all over the toilet seat. The mindset of someone doing that is absolutely beyond my ability to comprehend...but, I can understand your reluctance.

    frozen lakes ,ponds or rivers. nothing gives me the creeps like falling through thin ice into ice cold water..


    Yea,that would scare the crap out of me too.

    I fell thru the ice when I was iceskating at about the age of 12. YIKES. It's cold!!!

    Work I'm allergic to it but the doctor won't take me seriously wil.l not give me a sicknote Bloody Quack

    I don't think I have any phobias, but my daughter is terrified of bees. She was stung twice as a child, but most of us have been stung by bees without becoming phobic ... I think ... she's also scared of driving over bridges and she has no idea why.

    Arachnophobia, even the name sounds creepy, the fear of spiders, in my state unfortunately we have some deadly spiders. --- the notorious Red Back""


    Eeeeee! There’s one who hangs around in our back yard. Our blond spider lady can’t seem to get rid of her (or her relatives). I didn’t mean to come back to this thread) No offense, bulletman. Eeeeeeeee!

    Ibelieve there is a spray , itsme you can get which eradicates spiders only , give this a try, i have killed Red Backs just with fly spay ( Tropical Strenghth) good luck.

    I hate going to the toilet and realising there is no toilet under me. oops

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