    How would you deal with a nagging spouse? a. ignore b.get angry and argue c. you start nagging

    +6  Views: 1720 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: spouse family

    16 Answers

    Stand up for you believe in, dont be anyones door mat.


    Dollycharm is alive and well !

    Hi Benthere, Im alive, not sure about been well, with the freak rain we have been having, got flooded,Ah well could be worse. At least cats lived to tell tale

    Try talking it out, will they respond or nag more..?   .Nagging often means something else is wrong....

    Earplugs and alcohol.


    Only problem with're exchanging one problem for another and the end result is disaster!

    what problem and what disaster?

    The problem of "nagging" (the original question) and I assume you have heard of alcoholism?

    Alcoholism? I'm talking about moderate inebriation. It thins out the blood too.

    no,no - u give up easily!

    hand_maiden is correct.  The nagging won't just go away as if by some miracle.  It is an issue that must be dealt with seriously.  There is more to the nagging than just the nagging.

    I would ignore to start with,if he kept it going i would get angry and argue,therefore this would turn into a full on verbal argument.This is why i choose to be on my own.

    None of the above. Try choosing something, about which you are being "nagged", and willingly do it for him/her. Take some initiative to make him/her happy.  You cannot change someone else but you can change yourself and your attitude and maybe get something positive in return. I challenge you to try this for 6 months.  I think your relationship will change. If not, what have you lost?


    6 months? Sounds more like a sentence than a possible solution.

    Sorry but I think that half a year is not much in the big scheme of things...this situation being someone's at-risk marriage.



    Go shopping with her, I am sure you will both enjoy yourselves and relations will be improved.

    Too expensive. :)

    Nagging is scolding, complaining, or urging about a matter [s]. Usually there is an underlying problem that initiates the complaints, or an "unresolved issue[s]" that is causing pain to the individual. One example comes to my mind. A young woman was married to a man who abused her; after the divorce, she eventually met a man who she thought was a God-send to her. She poured her heart out to the man about what her X did to her. He thought it was terrible. The one thing she revealed that hurt her the most, her new guy said "how could anybody ever treat you like that"? As the relationshiip continued he was so good to her. He was one of those "too good to be true" kind of guys. A really good CON!  She married him with all the hope she could find in her heart to have a happy life. Soon after he put the ring on her finger, he got angry at her for an insignificant matter; What did he do? He used the ONE THING on her that her X did to hurt her the most. Her heart was broken, and her self-esteem fell to its lowest level. She attempted to talk to him, but to no avail. He would run out the door. Never resolving the issue that he too had inflicted on her. He continued this behaviour, by allowing his own family to speak bad of her, he agreed with everyone who would put her down even though she was a good Christian woman and truly was not guilty of any of the lies told on her. He wanted everyone to think GOOD OF HIM, and think of her as a horrible person. He accomplished his goals, after all, his friends did not know her, so they were easy to judge her and feel sorry for him. He told lie after lie which eventually led to extreme resentment from her. She said she would look at him and cringe. He started buying her 'things' to paciify her. Of course that was just a Mask to the real problems that were swept under the rug, never getting resolved.

    Perhaps this is not the case concerning your "nagging issues", but there is a reason he / she feels the need to be repeitive by words to get your attention. A good Christian Counselor who does not know either of you would be valuable. I have counseled women, and almost always the nagging is a "hidden, masked, or ignored issue". that is causing the person pain. A shopping spree, roses, candy, etc. is not the answer. Ignoring is not the answer. If you have to get angry to talk it out, then so be it. At least you are communicating.  If you truly love her / him you will do what it takes to help. Do not sweep it under the rug.

    I have never been nagged but if I was I would probably leave home.(Kidding).

    I think that you should retrace your steps and do what you forgot to do, or it could have been something you said that was leeked back to her, or she could have expectations of you that she hasn't discussed with you yet.


    what makes you think the spouse is SHE?

    Maybe my open-mindedness....yeah that's it.
    Just use the advice if you can.

    a soft word turn away wrath

    Just went through this with my wife. After talking proved futile. I took a vacation abroad for a week. Still pissed when I got back. Told her shape up or ship the F**k  out. Too old for this BS. She's almost back to normal. Don't know or care what set her off.

    Take your hearing aids out ."You must have them after all those years of nagging .(I take it married years or months )

    Go to the pub

    Nag at me???He darent!!

    Every time she would nag I would do something totally off the wall , get naked and tell how much her nagging turns me on .

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