    how do you drink wine

    cherry wine

    +6  Views: 1012 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    ""                 LIKE THIS, WITH SOME  GOOD  CHEESE  AND  BREAD !!!!!!!! 


    well put, Spacey
    the sillouet was a cool pic too

    Thanks MCM and Don, I'm invited to a wine tasting gala Saturday, looking forward to it.

    By the glass and after a few, from the bottle..........


    You don't have to, it was just a smarty pants remark.....

    You must be a good drinker

    Nor really, I just know all the moves.....

    I don't drink, yet, however I think the mouth would work

    Headless Man

    Maybe we have met, you from Ohio?

    In significant quantity when accompanied with exquisite Italian dishes. Mamma mia !


    Dego red. that's what my late husb used to call it. He was Italian / American
    He said WOP was offensive, but Dego wasn't

    In a glass with a big splash of Club Soda


    Ann, I hope that you don't mix it in to good expensive wine. That would be sacrilegious.

    I very seldom drink wine and yes, I put Club soda in very expensive wine too, I like it that way.

    Ann we call that a Sprizer! xxx

    I don't...I don't drink the stuff.


    ...and you're Aussie?

    Not me, I'm not Aussie.

    Generally, from a wine glass, sipping, not gulping.
    One time I did have it in a "Big Gulp" plastic cup and drank it through a straw....but I was driving at the time.   ONLY THAT ONE TIME.


    You live dangerously ! I like that.

    I like that, too, sometimes.

    You're right----it's sipping, not gulping that makes a true wine drinking experience. Same with tea

    Not very often but I hear whine all the time.


    LOL. No one else noticed your play on words.

    OH yes, anyone who is a mom caught that and loved it. Of course, you have asked the kids (or hubby?) is they/he wants cheese and crackers with the whine????

    In vast quantities


     I'm the only Italian in the world that dislikes the taste of wine, however, I can talk wine, i sold it for years in our family restaurant.  Not so ironic, I dislike eating grapes too..

    {edit] I could have sworn the title of this thread was 'Do you like wine'..

    So, in answer to that--  There's a proper way to do anything, there's 'wine ettique- Just google that..



    Vinny----My late husb who was Ital/ American wasn't too fond of wine. He'd just as soon drink pop. His bro-in-law would give him a big glass of red wine, and he'd drink it just not to offend Johnny. He used to say his father always had wine on the table when they'd eat. But, of all 6 kids,only his one sister, Phyllis, would get out her wine to drink with her dinner.

    I cook with wine.  I love Julia Child's cookbooks and so now I think all alcohol is for cooking ... yum.


    rum in food is good too

    Oh I will try that. Brandy is over the moon.

    I cook with wine.  I love Julia Child's cookbooks and so now I think all alcohol is for cooking ... yum.



    The food is delicious! I am telling you!

    Wine........Instant headache,no thanks.

    I don't drink alcohol.


    Take another asprin or panadol.

    No cant stand Wine never had its too acidic for me and I see people who drink it and I wish I could enjoy a nice glass of wine


    Avoid the dry wines - I know what you mean by acidic too - sweet not so strong rose/white wines and maybe sparkling are not so acidic.

    hi dopey I have tried them all and still to acidic thanks anyway

    Well, I can't drink just one (4 oz glass). I don't even open the bottle unless I have someone to share it with!!! And always, always RED!

    I'm like Gibbs on NCIS .... just empty the nuts & bolts out of a jar from the shelf, fill it up, and down the hatch.


    Flip I meant to say before when I read it such a funny answer - happy birthday for Sunday - enjoy!

    @dopey: Thank you. I don't really drink my wine from jars, but even though we have tons of wine glasses, I use juice glasses instead.:o)

    A real wine conisuer would never desicrate good wine like that.

    When we were in H.S., my mom gave us a little glass of wine when my dad wasn't home. . . . to teach us how to drink respondsibly. My brother almost chugged it, and my mom said, Oh, no ,.That's not the way !  You;'re supposed to sip it over a period of time. So, I always remembered that and drank that way at college parties, or any parties . Also, I drank mixed drinks with hard liquor that way ----sipping it occasionally. I've never been drunk, b/c I don't like to throw up and / or lose control . I've heard that wine hangovers are the worst ones, and that you can get very sick to your stomach on wine. I've also heard that wine adn hard liquor is a dangerous combination. Beer and hard liquor is easier on your system. When I was college age, I saw some very sick kids from over-drinking.


    Very good !!! Your mom taught you well.

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