    How many trick-or-treaters are you expecting this year?

    +7  Views: 1252 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    24 Answers

    We will have between 80 or 100 kids usually.  We all decorate around here and sit outside, weather permitting, and have tons of fun. The mansion down the road hires an Electric Co. to do their lighting display!  It's just one great big fun day on "The Hill". Happy Halloween to All!


    Sounds like fun. The neighborhood we moved out of last year really got into the spirit of things. Our culdesac would set up tables and we would each spread our goodies out, so the kids would not go from house to house. We adults dressed up, too, and sat around and visited between hordes of kids.

    Hardly any in my neighborhood here in Chicago......these streets are not real trick or treater/kid friendly unless their parents accompany them! But I sure do miss seeing the kids all dressed up and excited!


    I remember trick-or-treating as old as 8th grade. My friends and I did not want to give it up ... so fun!! (except the time that guy caught me soaping his window ...)

    ole Hipster! Good to see you. How you been?



    Yikes Fish Girl. Hope you are well-prepared!

    I believe we discussed this, but I've forgotten. What are you wearing?
    I'm wearing a long black skirt, black top, pointed hat, tons of make up, high boots.

    None, I live in the woods, too far for any one to come to my house,


    How lovely to live in the woods. Do you hear animals at night. I lived in the woods a few years back. Wonderful.

    I live in the country and in 20 years we've had about 5 trick or treaters. The neighborhood kids used to come But they are now in their 20's so no one this year But I still buy a couple treats Just in case!

    Trick or Treat Here I am!!

    There are many wild animals here , especially when it gets dark. Not too many people live in the area that have small children, mostly retired people live here. I am used to it by now.When my children were small, I lived in Connecticut and we had at least 50 or more trick-or treaters then and it was fun.

    ... well, we had zero, also. We livein the woods also. We did hear a couple of coyotes howl ... or were those ghosts???

    winfa, could have been both.

    0... around here you are concidered a satanist if you celebrate Halloween... So I take my kids to another nieghborhood to do the deed...


    Really? What part of the country do you live in?

    The Bible Belt.. Deep South....

    Good for you for taking your children to another neighborhood to have fun! Sorry to hear that your own neighborhood has such negative feelings.

    It is hard to live in the Bible belt after growing up in New Egland where Halloween is as Big as Christmas.... Not to mention I was right near Salem Mass.... SO MUCH FUN!

    I lived in a bible belt here in California a few years back. (I do get around ) I went to a dentist, he had a bible in his waiting room. I went to a doctor, he had a bible in his office.
    Somehow I found this very disturbing.

    Oh love the openly faithfull community.. But I think That ppl become fanatical about the silliest things. Halloween is a childrens party... we are not weaking the dead or awiating the coming of Samhane we are dressing up and getting to know the nieghbors and having fun.

    Ismee - When I in Los Angelos for a short time we went to Charles Manson's house - I remember it was up some mountain - scarry.

    Great! Don't let other's spoil your fun.

    Jenn, I attended college in Beverly, Mass. at Endicott and always had great fun walking around Salem! I still go up there a few times a year when able.

    Salem sounds like an interesting place to just take a look around. When I was a kid our school took us to a village near Portsmouth, New hampshire from the 1700's, very interesting. But also, very interesting to see firsthand the mindset of those times.

    So true, Jenn. I live in the south, too. Few trick or treat and I've not known one person to throw a Halloween party in the 18 yrs I've lived here. Used to go to one or two every year in Florida. I'd throw one but few would accept the invite, I'm afraid. It's just a good excuse to have some unique kind of fun!!

    maybe 100


    That's a lot.

    My house faces where two neighborhoods join so, it's a real hit or miss here. I've learned to buy a lot of candy that I like so if we only get a few trick or treaters, I'm still good.......

    we live in a village about 20 as I dont tyhink there is anymore children than 20 in the village

    ed shank

    A "Village" how cool is that. Sounds comfy. Did you move there or are you from there originally?

    ed shank we moved here from a small town its nice though it takes time for the locals to except you they do now the pub is good everyone is a good laugh thank ed xx

    And I thought our town of 3,000 was small!

    Thanks winflia xxx

    I'm in the sticks but in a private community. I have about 200 kids at the door. I always make them pose and I take their pictures and post them in our clubhouse. They love it. The pictures stay up all year. It's a trip to see them laughing at one another 's pictures whenever their in the clubhouse.


    Awesome! How fun!

    The last four years I have never had one come to the door. I still buy a small bag of candies that I like though ...Just in case;)   lol

    ed shank

    Don't you live in bear country?

    Suppose we do have the odd garbage bear and cougar but no so many that it stops the kids from hoarding candy, just not at the end of my street.

    I always buy candy that I DON'T like ... then I won't eat it all myself!

    Hundreds .... I run out of treats in less than a half hour. Wish I could give to only under age 10 or 12 .... but then I remember the year we had a young adult (that looked about 16) visiting us from a country that didn't celebrate halloween, and how much fun she had treat-or-treating ....


    That's a LOT of trick-or-treaters. You could just go the the movies, you know.

    I will go to a parade at preschool is the AM. A Halloween performance in the PM at the elementary school. 

    I will have exactly three trick-or-treaters. My grandchildren, of course.

    Here's a Halloween poem for y'all:

    Halloween, Halloween!

    Oh the sights you've never seen.

    Witches, cats, old black bats.

    Broom stick riders, mice and rrrrrrrrats. 



    Cute poem!

    Living in Hackney we also do have kids trick or treat friendly nowadays as you say as you say ole hipster. But anything celebrated around here makes lots of noise - the Indian and Pakistan people love fireworks - so I make sure animals are home, I have said before I find Halloween scary and it always reminds me of "To Kill a Mockingbird". I am sure there are places where it is a lot of fun for the kids.  

    And just in case I have more kids than candy, I toss in a few pennies I have saved....

    ten to 20.

    Hey! trick or Treat!! where's my goodies?

    im not going to have  any. im going out with the grands, if i can get this darn mask off! ! ha ha ha.

    None. Our trio of large, noisy, slavering attack-lick dogs keeps trick-or-treaters away, as they assume they will become a canine treat. That way I get all the Tootsie rolls and candy corn :) It really underscores that dogs are truly man's best friend.

    Probably none.We have a lot of neighbours from different ethnic & religous backgrounds that don't celebrate halloween.

    The grand kids are getting ready for it tho.Different story in their neighbourhood.


    ... too bad. Halloween is so fun for the kids. Adults, too, if they would just get into the spirit of things.
    No one, I've put oil and detergent on the front steps.
    Truth is ZERO

    My daughter lives in a college town, so every year we dress up as witches and go down and party with the college kids. They close down the streets to traffic and it's a blast with dancing and drinking and partying. I make up like an old hag and no one can guess I AM one! HAH!

    Absolutely none.  They won't climb this high up.  Really miss giving out treats on Halloween. Was such a fantastically fun time when I was a kid.


    ... so how high up are you?

    2800' above sea level; about 500' higher than the highway below in a 3/4 mi walk or drive up. :-]

    OKAY! No tricksters again this year. All the Tootsie Pops went in the garbage. Good riddance!

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