    by forward i mean i can say how i feel with relief and hes like that hes a scorpio its either his way or no way i just dont know any more i want to move on but he comes back when im starting to be happy. what are your comments to this?!

    0  Views: 2123 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    you desearve better You move on x

    10 Answers

    I cant figure out why some astrological sign fits into this.Its your life and your time here that matters. We are in control of so few things while living ,having to fit in and obey  laws in society and all that day to day crap. The one thing that is uniquely yours is your time. You are the boss of it,so do as you wish to with it . If you no longer wish this person in your life take the necessary steps to completely shut the door and close this for good. Stop playing and take charge of the situation.              Bill


    I agree, everyone has control over their life, some choose to blame others, some choose to blame situations or life conditions, we all have the choice to control or own our lives

    Boy friends for pretty girls two  a .penny. Plenty more fish in the sea. Like the no9 bus four come along at once. Say san fairy an to him You can have YOURChoice take no Poo Say be gone or words to that effect and Have a nice life The words to use are GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY YOUR DUMPED when I think about it.

    "He comes back when I'm starting to be happy."  
    ....and then you aren't as happy anymore, are you.....


    yeah jus when i start to move on and let go what do i do ?! its like hes my drug addiction and im trying to withdraw.....

    Do you have supportive friends, sibling(s), adult family or friend(s) you can count on to "be there" for you?
    In AA, the alcoholic has a "sponsor", someone turn to for strength and guidance, just to talk....someone who helps with the program and is a friend. There is no RA (Relationships Anonymous), but we sure could use a "sponsor" to help us stay "clean and sober" when the temptation is there.
    Find some sponsors and be really honest with what you need from them. Then, call on them whenever your DOC tempts you.
    "Time heals all wounds," someone once said. He just didn't say how much time.

    be bold and tell him to stay away or else .... Yo dont have to put up with his nonsense.

    I'm a Scorpio and I'm not like that...Say goodbye and mean it..........

    He's a dog.

    Im Scorpio too and know ive got some of the faults.Being a control freak if i get chance being one of them.Walk away

    My advice to you?Walk away.Even Scorpios get the message eventually!!!

    yeah jus when i start to move on and let go what do i do ?! its like hes my drug addiction and im trying to withdraw.....


    Break the addiction. Replace it with someone who will not play head games with you and only want you when you do not want them.

    awwwww adorable

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