    Day by day, is your life getting better, worst, or the same?

    +7  Views: 885 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Some days good,some days bad,some days just the same.I think it has a lot to do with my depression.


    Depression really clouds our perceptions. I hope you are having more good days than not.

    Right now life seems quite a challenge. Trying to keep my house up, get everything in the yard done before winter, keep my business running smoothly, keep my mind on what each client wants,spending time at the hospital with dad in his therapy,driving my mom to the hospital as much as I can,clearing weekends for dad's weekend passes,keeping the kids fed and looked after. It all seems overwhelming at times, I feel lost somewhere in the mix. My dad's stroke has not only taken away his physical abilities but has changed his personality. I'm fighting with trying to feel the same around someone I feel a stranger with. I miss his love and emotional side as the stroke has left him with what the doctors say is a flat emotions.I know this is a growing stage in my life because it's difficult to get through.It hurts to see your loved ones going through hell and only be able to stand aside and witness the struggles.I know there is good as well and find I am grabbing hold of every piece of it I can to keep up.I see what a blessing it is to just get up and have a normal day as I watch my dad's life spun out of control and my mom alone for the first time in almost 50 years. I feel selfish to think I might be having a bad day.


    Sounds like you have a lot to deal with,thanks for sharing, it makes my own problems seem trivial.

    I apologize if I came across in any way trying to make a point here. I guess I just needed to unload. There are so many people that are far worst off in life. I just needed to unload.

    Thank you mom! And God bless your heart! And your dad too. It is so hard when a family member is having a difficult time with sickness or what ever. You are being so strong like we all have to be. Your dad is so blessed to have you and he knows it, I believe. My sister died last year and I spent as much time as I could with her. I know what you're going thur. Keep being strong and keep making the world a beautiful place for your dad and others! And yourself of course!

    Thanks for your support Tabber, I am sorry to hear your loss. I can relate to what your saying. This too shall pass and we will find that new "normal" eventually.

    Mom, You dont need to apologize. Life that seems good one day can change overnight for all of us. In your case it happened when least expected. I know how you feel about your fathers change in emotions it happened with my mom when she had Alzheimers too.She thought my children and grandchildren were strangers. Sometimes she refused to let them in the house. It hurts deeply to see the change in theire personalities and it must be very hard for you and your mom to know what he was like before his stroke and what he has become after. you need to take one day at a time in order to deal with this situation, I had to do that to stay sane.I asked god everyday to give me patience and understanding and to show me the way. It helped me very much to know I was not alone, God was there with me. After the grief comes acceptance, that makes it easir to geal with. I will pray for you and your mom and your dad. Love and prayers, Ann

    You just unload no apologies - good for you helps you get through especially when people understand - hope also things improve for you.

    You guys are all so awesome, I am lucky to have stumbled across this sight. Thank you for everything, you have no idea how each of you have touched my heart. Thank you.

    Mom I will say some prayers for you..............Keep doing what you are doing!!!!

    You have been amazing and strong through the past month. I really admire you for holding so much together. Certainly, I would have long ago collapsed.
    You are always in my prayers, as is your family.

    I am becoming more and more thankful to be alive.....


    So pleased to hear you say this well done you - read a while ago you did not feel so good. I wish I could get some horse or dolphin therapy and I could join you.

    I think we all have good days and bad days I jst always remember that if i have a bad day I think of a few people who I know who can just about walk and then that really puts in to pespective there is always some one worse of than yourselve

    I get better at being me every day and so I handle things better, I enjoy life more and I think just about everything has a humorous side... things are looking up up up.

    Life never stays the same. There are always ups and downs. Many times when I feel good about life, I see or hear someting on the news, especially about animal cruely, that will set me back for weeks. I mostly watch movies on TV and try to stay away from all the negativity that will put me in a tailspin.

    The same, but everyday something new crops up and poses a challenge. Makes life interesting. An occasional speed bump lets us appreciate the good times.

    I am lucky my life has been steady Oh I would say for a long time now family health good nothing to worry about long may it last.


    Me too - what a way to live though - we need to be tough for this life.

    each day has it's own owner ship i mean some days i'm flying high and feel so great then the next day i could be wanting to kill. but no matter what i'm also thankful to be able live no matter what is happening because nothing could be worse then to be eaten by worms YUK,

    Some times good   and sometimes not.........but I am still here!

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