    How is the best way to give a dog a bath?

    We just received our first dog and are a little clueless on some of these things.

    +2  Views: 605 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    The first thing I do is dilute dog shampoo with a bit of water in a small container so that I don't get a concentrated amount on the dog in one place.  I fill my bathtub with luke warm water to about the 4 inch mark.  Put the dog in the bath.  Soak the dog with water.  I always start at the neck area (this is a flea bathing's so the fleas don't run to the head of the dog while you are bathing the other body parts.  We haven't had fleas very often but it's a good tip to remember if you ever come across them) and work the soap solution all over the back, tummy, tail and careful around the head not to get soap into eyes and make sure you rinse the head first ...rinse entire dog.  I use a shower nozzle but you can also use a container filled with clear water from the tap that you have just turned on...luke warm water of course.  You can repeat if you like.

    Dry dog off and enjoy watching dog run around the house like a maniac because that dog really did like all that dirt and is now sad it's gone...The following day you can watch your dog happily rolling around in dirt again!

    I put my staffordshire bull terrier in my bath tub on a non slip mat,and i use a shower hose with warm water that is connected to the tap of the bath.For my smaller dogs (chihauhuas) i can manage them in my laundry sink.Just to let you know,some dogs find having a bath traumatic,try to not wet thier eyes and do thier ears after a bath with a wet cotton wool ball.On a really hot day you can wash your dog under the hose out side.

     Doggy Lick  you shouldnt need to bath your dog unless its absolutely nessary you will take its natural oil out of its fur if you have to use baby shampoo no tears as this will not hurt their eyes with soap ect always rinse with a lot of clean water luke warm is the best or if its still warm where you live than gentle hose then a good brush to encourage the oils to come back that you have washed a way good luck with your dog and look after it never hit it if does something wrong point your finger and say bad dog but when it has done some thing good make a fuss and dont for get to love it as you wil never get all that love that your animal is going to gve you


    If necessary and this is only if the dog is a messy dog and rolls in stinky stuff, you should not bathe your dog more than 1X per month. It's best to not bathe them at all as what Mel said is true, you wash away their natural oils and then you have a dog with dry itchy skin and you'll be right back here asking how to get your dog to stop itching.  

    They make wet wipes for dogs that  you can use in place of baths. 

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