    This not a Question its another update on Harvey

    +7  Views: 1056 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    We took Harvey on Saturday to have his cathater removed and he was fine when he came back he was fine and he was weeing great in his cattray we were still giving him his water trying to flush him out,,,,,, then this morning he was blocked again we took him to the vets and we had to help the vet put another cathater in I found this very interesting being in a real theater though I wish it wasnt my Harvey we had a long chat with the vet and the vet has said after this time if he blocks up again enough is enough we will know now by friday as he will keep this in till thursday we now do need more preyers and I know you have said all the preyers and the light you have sent him I really just want him to have peace now I dont know what else to say I feel now he is on death row thank you again for all your help my freinds god bless you all xxxx

    I will be praying for Harvey.  Poor fellow...I am really hoping he gets better.  xo Fish


    thank you fish for your preyers and your thoughts xxxxxx

    Mel I keep praying for Harvey who is going through so much. Hopefully this time he will be okay/ Its in Gods Hands now. Take care of yourself, you and your husband have been through so much too. Love & prayers, Ann


    Ann thank you sooo much as you say we can not do anymore now I will spend all week and love him as I cant see it working this the 3rd time now hw has been cathertrized I am glad the vet said what he said but I do feel you have to give your animal every chance as they have given you everything thanks Ann will keep you posted xxx

    Mel, thank you for your update. I will still pray for a miracle to happen. I will check your posts daily. Thake care, Love & prayers, Ann

    How is he doing Mel?   I can't find the update..


    your on it I was writing it sorry it took too long this site today is sooooo slow thank you xxx

    Melanie; you and Harvey are in my prayers.I had a scare myself with my dog last week.She has a UTI but is responding to treatment.Please take care not to neglect yourself  as you are stressed too.Hugs & prayers !!


    metal face thank you for your concern and your preyers you are right we are both stressed he is fine now but we wont know till he has the cathater out this when he normaly gets blocked its the crystels in his urine and the urine cant pass through the urthea he is on food that should help to disolve and on muscle relaxers ans human pills to dry and disolve them im so pleased hat your dog is responding to treatment that is the best! thank you again for your thoughts on this matter love ya xxx

    Hang in there Harvey!


    clu I hope he does hang in there clu thank you xxx

    Oh Mel...this has been a long road of worry and suffering. I pray this will end up with you  and Harvey feeling peace. My heart aches for the situation and I pray for healing and peace. 


    mom your right there it has been a long road thank you for your thoughts and preyers for Harvey he is a lovely little man and he has had a hard life we knew that he lived on the streets for 4 years but the nearly 3ys we have had him he has been spoilt rotten its so hard mom when you love all animals I wish I could let go some times but I cant thank you mom again bless you too xxxx

    Mel....You have been a very responsible pet owner,and i am sure Harvey has had a good life with you.I feel sad for you having to go through this with a sick pet.As long as you know you did every thing possible for his recovery,it is simply out of your hands now,as you say enough is enough.


    pythonlover he hasnt been with us very long I think its his 3rd year but what a cat he lived out side for many years and we took him but he has been living in a 5* hotel well cat one anyway! he is the most loveing cat you could want he behaves more like a dog than a cat thank you mom for your lovely kind words at the moment its a waiting game xxxx

    G'DAY Mel. really sorry that Harvey is still not any better, now is the time to think of HARVEY'S well being, i know it's hard when you love a friend that much, i do know what you are going through, i have been there three times in my life, i'm getting misty even thou i am a guy. thinking of you both, 'K'.


    bullitman thank you for your kind words all we can do now is wait he is not in pain which is the main thing thanks again love ya xxx

    Good luck Harvey. Hang in there my prayers are with you.


    varon thank you for your preyers what else can you say now we just have to wait thank you again varon xxxx

    Dear Mel,It's a very hard thing to do,but the vet has given you the best advice.You can't see them suffer. Just a few months ago I had to have my red cattle dog "Pippa" put down after having her for 17 years.Funny thing... People now say they don't recognize me without the red dog at my heels.

    I'm a big tough Aussie bloke & I couldn't stop the tears the day she was put down.But it was the right thing to do.

    Prepare yourself love.

    My thoughts,Tommy


    Tommy I am crying as I write this as I know by Friday/Saturday we will be saying our good byes as you say it is so hard but it is the hardest thing to do when it comes to a animal he is more of my Husbands cat than mine though when he isnt well he comes to his mom he is more like a dog than a cat follows you every where and what a fighter when he lived out side before we got him he would fight all the dogs off but he is like a gentle lamb in doors he is my little man I am pleased the vet said what he said it just makes it a little better thank you Tommy for your kind words and understanding what i am going through love ya mel xxx

    I'm sending more prayers to Gods ear.  Bless Harvey and his family.  Regards/yvonne57


    Yvonne thank sooo much for your preyers we are so tired now but I know some one is giving me the energy to carry one thank you again Yvonne xxxx

    Little Harvey HAS to get better with all these well wishers, he just HAS to...My heart goes out to you both, this is a rough time for all involved.....My thoughts are for you and Harvey,  Both of you need to be at the top of your game if not at the top of the health chart....Tell him about all the wishes made for him to be  the best. Talk to him, the constant noise with change the strange environment to a better one...Pet him for me and tell him I'm letting my cat sleep with me tonight as the cold front will be here at midnight...


    jhharlan thank you for your thoughts funny you should say that I was talking to him last night and telling him that all over the world are sending lights and their preyers and wishing you better he was purring his head off yes you must let your cat sleep with you every night I have never let my cats out after dark and they know when it gets dark its time to come in thank you again for your preyers xxxx

    I have just prayed for Harvey and you. Lots of Love and lots of Light to you all. Whatever happens, remember that God is right there amidst you and with you, always.


    papitou thank you soooo much for your light and the preyers he really does need them as if he dosent get better e have to say good bye to my little man who has been the bravest of all thank you again xxxx

    Mel, It's Thursday, the 27th and I haven't seen anything about Harvey anywhere.  Is he OK?  Are you OK?  yvonne57

    country bumpkin

    Yes, how is he? I've been wondering the same thing.

    Me, three. It's so difficult to have a sick pet, you love them so much!! Sending a prayer of comfort, healing and peace your way.

    Yvonne and country bumkin and michmar I am frighten to post just incase he goes back to how he was he is doing so well now its all your preyers that did it I will have to post soon if anyone wants to post to say harvey is a lot better plaese do I am so superstisouse (cant spell that word) I am scared that it might undo if you get my meaning but thank you for your thoughts love ya all xxxx

    Dear Melanie, Looking for the right words to give you a smile and help you keep your positive attitude for Harvey....Keep coming back to assuring you that prayers are said for Harvey and you (plural); God has given you care of Harvey, and I believe He finds favor in the great love and care you have provided for Harvey.  No matter what happens, please remember that you (and Harvey) are never alone, never forsaken.
    Love, PKB


    thank you so much for the preyers for and me we are taking him to the vet tommorrow to have his cathater removed and then it is wait and see wether he can pass urine last friday he had one removed and he was fine till the Sunday and then we had to repeat the whole thing again thank you again for your kind thoughts thank God I have all you Guys on here! xxxxx

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