    Whats your fav food?

    +5  Views: 2371 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: food

    11 Answers

    Fave food ... salads all over the place.


    We went to a Greek restaurant last week and I had the most wonderful Greek salad. It was very different than what I have had in the past. I learned that it is good to keep an open mind.
    I have only been to Olive Garden once. I didn't much care for the salad either.

    Steak & Chips with mushrooms & peas, Glass or two of red wine, followed by Apple Pie with custard and a large blob of ice cream on the top.


    I like sandwiches,you can put any thing you like on them.

    hot and spicey food

    Boiled spuds (potatoes), Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Lamb with  Parsley and Thine stuffing, a rich brown gravy sauce, finished off with pineapple and cream and a glass of vintage Port.                                        



    I am starving when is it ready! heeee


    Just about any kind of seafood.

    I love hamburgers with all the fixings.....

    anything hot works for me..

    I love most foods, but my favourite would have to be suovlakia, not just any but the ones made at any place called "cons" on a greasy hotplate with lots of onion and garlic mayo...

     I inveted itt but its the best pastaa ever!! not just because I made it. it has, penni pasta with whitesauce bacon cheese and ham(: delicious, and you dont need salt

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