    was george w. bush a good u.s.president. why?

    +4  Views: 1077 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    The only way Obamas stays in the White House is if he cancells the elections.

    17 Answers

    He took on tyranny by embracing torture. He fought a war for freedom by trampling human rights. He enriched the already rich, excused their excesses, and then bailed them out of trouble and handed us the bill.

    He squandered the budget surplus.

    He tried the already proven to fail trickle down theory and made his wealthy friends wealthier. Do you really believe the wealthy spend their money here in the states? 

    He lied to the American people and the world. Every argument for war against Iraq was a delusion, and hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost as a result. Saddam Hussein was not responsible for 9/11 in any way. He was not a danger to the United States. The Bush administration ignored or dismissed mountains of evidence that showed that Saddam was not building an arsenal of chemical or nuclear weapons. Bush rushed to war without giving diplomacy or weapons inspectors a chance. Later, administration officials blew the cover of a CIA employee whose husband told the truth, and then lied about their involvement.

    By his own admission, Bush authorized interrogation practices that are illegal under U.S. and international law. His administration at best looked the other way and at worst ordered prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib to be tortured.

    He embraced a theory of dictatorship. Bush, under Vice President Dick Cheney's guidance, encouraged an imperial presidency answerable to no one. Working with a complacent Congress, Bush gutted the constitutional checks and balances that are supposed to keep any part of the government from growing too powerful or too corrupt. In the name of an endless war against an amorphous enemy, he canceled our most fundamental rights of habeas corpus and the right to be free from unreasonable government spying.

    Just to name a few. 

    No, he was not a good president. 


    So very true.

    wish allAmericans think with clear head - they re-elected him.! Good thinking Coleen.

    Well said !!!!! I hated him in more ways than I can say . Worst president ever . Disgrace to the human race .

    Wrong, as long as they are honest. I do not vote by party.

    I liked him but then, I'm a republican. I though he held himself well...


    Right. I'm poor and in need of the dole but I still vote Republican....


    Sawal, please, every president inherits a mess. It's their job to be a good enough president to handle the challenge not downgrade our credit rating and put us further in debt. Now all of a sudden we can afford to deploy troops to Africa to help them in their war. When does it end? When does this man stop spending money we do not have and killing our boys and girls in all these wars he has them in? Africa can have Obama back. Let him go destroy that country.

    Do you just vote without knowing the issues or the truth But jut because you are a Rep..n. Poor judgement for voting blindly. Read what Colleen has said so truthfully.

    No. He started two wars in the middle east that make no sense. Especially in Iraq, where too many of our soldiers lost theire lives and too many civilians lives to count. Subsidies for Oil Companies, Tax breaks for the rich .To be fair, he was not responsible for for our housing crisis, That started under Pres. Clinton.


    Bush just bailed out the mortgage companies that robbed the homeowners.

    Yea I know, what a mess

    Obama is the king of bailouts. Spent more of our money than anyone. Bush at least gave it to the American people.

    Bush did not cause the "economic crisis" we are in now. Bush had no control over the banks and their loaning habits. Why would that be any concern to the president at all. It was the Clinton administration that allowed banks to push forward into "risky deals". Not Bush.

    Well it was concern enough for him to bail them out rather than the home owners who were led to believe they could do this, that they could afford to buy beyond their means.

    Colleen, when I took out a mortgage I KNEW what I could afford to pay. I didn't apply for a $400,000 mortgage when all my salary could sustain was a $150,000 mortgage. The banks were FORCED to lend money to people who they KNEW or DIDN'T CARE if they could pay it back because FDIC guaranteed they would get their money back one way or the other. Thank Congress for that. (FRANK/DODD) I blame the morons who borrowed MORE THAN THEY COULD AFFORD TO PAY BACK.

    TSC, you are right about when taking out a loan you should know what you can pay... Many were buying a second home thinking value would be higher in 2 years then they could sell and make a profit because they would only pay on interest only loans......well that backfired on too many people who were looking for a quick buck.

    Simply put, I believe he was honest in his actions but his info was all screwed up.

    I voted for Bush, I am not happy of the outcome, he made many mistakes, I didn't really like him when I voted for him but I voted based on who was running against him, I disliked them more.

    The left has reason to complain about him although I do not buy the 'stolen election(s) this is another story.  not here, not now..

    I just think that people myself included need to know more about the person running, not just vote because they are democrat or republican. Obama is a failed (so far) president as well and I am sure that if he goes another term the evil list on him will also grow as GWB's list had grown. I think that its time to let GWB and his presidential policies and mistakes rest. Concentrate on the next election, and as usual, we don't get to pick who is running, only who wins.. Vote agenda, not party..  As I see it now, many democrats themselves wish they hadn't put Obama in office. I don't want a 'panderer' I want someone that will stand for 'all' the people, not just their personal agenda limelights that will reelect him.. 



    sewal: My vote?? LOL.. The world was pretty messed up before bush came along, although it gives you reason to 'blame bush' for everything.. I could go into the MANY mistakes made prior to Bush but you wouldn't listen so why bother-- Lets all just blame Bush for everything. I will say this though, the world economic crisis started before Bush.. read up on this tid bit of fact. And quit yelling, your 'all caps' show low 'I.Q'...

    UK Prime Minister Blair also supported war against Iraq even though weapons inspector Hans Blix proved Iraq did not have weapons of mass detruction. Many lost lives on both sides and now Christians being persecuted in Iraq having previously living in peace with Moslems. Blair also recently found to have brown-nosed Gadaffi.

    I blame Bush for Obama...


    Go synopsis. Obama rode a wave of enthusiasm that we won't see again for some time. Bush was a big cause of that. People got sick of seeing people blown apart every night on the news and Obama's HOPE AND CHANGE campaign slogan caught on. Too bad that "CHANGE" ment SOCIALISM.

    Good soldiers and civilians were getting blown up during Obama's presidency too but the media didn't ram it in our faces nightly. His change to socialism is what the obama voters want.. This is what they voted for but they didn't give it a name. They will never call it that..

    No, I don't think that he was. I suspect that the job was too big for him just as it was for Jimmy Carter. However, that being said, I do think that in his last two years he achieved a certain political maturity developed while in office, but by then the problems he caused were too large for him or possibly anyone to handle.


    The job is too big for Obama too. We need a real man, a real leader in office. So far Obama is still holding the title of, "Worst of the lot". He's saved Bush from that embarrassment.

    What we really need is what we no longer seem to have and that's a statesman, someone in the job for the benefit of the country and the people. People like the founding fathers, but I don't know if that is possible anymore with the system we have in place. And you know what? It's our fault, us, the public. We have helped to create a system that necessitates constant fund raising, not to mention that they live under constant scrutiny. There are so many problems, like , 24/7 news coverage and a free press. Don't get me wrong; I think that a free press is a wonderful thing, but it's different now than it was in the 50's and 60's. Then the news was a lost leader, meaning that the networks lost money on it, but didn't interfere with it. But, after the Regan admin. the news became profit driven and as a result now they go for the sensational or conflicted because it sells and they need to make a profit. I know that a free press is necessary, but I sure do miss the old days.

    I agree with you implicitly.

    GWB has screwed up some things but overall the decisions taken by Mr Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9-11 will be pored over by historians for the rest of our lifetimes. One thing they will doubtless conclude is that the measures Bush took to lock down America's borders, scrutinise travellers to and from the United States, eavesdrop upon terrorist suspects, work closely with international intelligence agencies and take the war to the enemy has foiled dozens, perhaps scores of would-be murderous attacks on America. There are Americans alive today who would not be if it had not been for the passing of the Patriot Act. There are 3,000 people who would have died in the August 2005 airline conspiracy if it had not been for the superb inter-agency co-operation demanded by Bush after 9/11.

    I  say BUSH  was better than the one we have now.   Considering most of congress were opposet of Bush's  workings.


    was Bush better because he 'mortgaged every american and his children?'

    The President we have now has us in more DEBT than any President we have ever had before.....and has wasted more money with bigger government

    He was a disappointment to many. I do, however, think a president is only as strong a leader as is his co-operation of Congress and the Senate. He made a mistake that was approved by Democrats and Republicans in our elected offices. During his administration, 911 reaction should have been more carefully countered.

    The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are unwinnable. We will never change those people. They will continue for power no matter what government tries to form a democracy. They are still fighting a civil war over there. His last 4 year term was just doing anaylegies on ongoing action in Iraq. Sad.

    He behaved as if he were drunk most if the time.


    he behaved that way because he was drunk.
    Headless Man

    That would be an excuse, what's Obamas......

    LOL Good answer Randy. :)

    He left an economic mess for Obama to straighten out, and he didn't like kissing babies. ""


    Under Bush's reign, gas was just over $1 per gallon. Under Obama's reign it's not seen less than $3 per gallon. Unemployment under Bush was 6 percent, under Obama 8+ percent (I believe it too be higher but Obama's crew cooks the books on the unemployment rate) Under Bush we had a 9 trillion $ debt and a triple A credit rating. Under Obama, we have a 16 trillion dollar debt (and that's expected to go much higher before the end of the year) and a double A rating. Bush had 8 years, Obama has just begun his 5th year. What exactly has Obama done to fix what the Democrats did during Bush's run? Remember, the Dems controlled the house for 8 years under Bush. Obama is a Dem. He voted against anything Bush tried to do to make the economy better PLUS Obama was a lawyer for acorn, you know, the company that forced the banks to make mortgage loans to people who could not afford to pay them causing the housing crisis. Obama inherited a country in much better shape than he has led it to. Obama has no intention on straightening anything out. His purpose is to drive the US straight to Hades. It's time to stop blaming Bush and start putting the blame where it belongs. Right in Obama's lap.

    since when do Americans vote by price of gas.

    Just look at the stock market for things turning around.

    Did I say that? I was comparing the performances of the two leaders. Check your translator Sawali, you're getting a lot of comments wrong lately. I'm beginning to think you really do not know the English language.

    As for the stock market, it can be and is manipulated to perform the way the it is needed to perform according to agendas. Do not believe it isn't.

    Comparing the two world leaders by price of gas!

    As for English just re-read your last response and tell me.

    By comparing the economy and where at least one commodity was priced based on the economy at the time! I did not feel like running down the whole list of the rest of the economic commodities. Please stay out of US affairs. You never know what you're talking about.

    One typo...big deal. You seem to have trouble translating so you actually understand what a person is saying. Case in point, when you went after WD when she said nothing wrong at all.

    In your dictionary the word `sorry` is not there but mine has so, ` Sorry` for pointing out typo. May be it`s not English because you are an American.

    Oh you try so hard to be insulting and every time you come across like a 3rd grader. Should I be expecting your troll friend next? Grow up sawali, stop trying to be something you're not. Your trouble is, you view women as lesser creatures. It's in your genes and your religion. DEAL WITH THE FACT that both your genes and your religion are wrong. You're building some serious life karma you will need to account for. Stop being a pin head.
    By the way, I have nothing to apologize for. You're a mere mortal man. I can stand taller than you even as a woman. That is real life outside of your religion. Deal with it. Your internal issues are your own. Don't even begin to think you can lay them in my lap. Deal with your own anger towards women who step up to you and Americans that you clearly have an issue with. Don't bring it here. When ever you come around here you try to cause drama. Find another forum for your need to disrupt.

    Colleen, now you are showing meanness. You know nothing about me or my religion so please don't smear them. As for women, I respect you and if you think frank discussions offend you, I can choose to stay away from you. Just tell me.

    I am showing a lack of patience for your childishness. If it comes across as mean, good. I'm tired of wasting time with a person who can barely stop by here once a month and then manages to post something to stir up drama. And let's not forget your troll friend. The ol buddy system being used for a flipping internet forum. Both you and he can grow up.
    No discussion you ever have is frank and do not attempt to feed me the crap that you respect me. You've long made it clear that you do not. Your troll friend proves that.

    Name the last good president we had?

    colleen: thank you for your words about george w. bush. i believe you are right. george w. bush was NOT a good president. 

    Better than clinton, far better than the head muslim in charge now. 






    Dick Cheney's little hand puppet. A President out of his league.

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