    How did you meet your mate?

    It's always interesting to hear how a couple first met.  My mom was an RN at a doctor's office. My dad came in with a work-related injury and she thought he was a real smartass at first. They were married for 52 years (he passed away in 2001), dating for less than 9 months before saying "I do". 
    What's you story?

    +7  Views: 664 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    My family owned a restaurant, I was traveling with a showband and when i returned home I saw her working at the restaurant as a waitress, I got hot pants for her and after attempting to get her to go out with me many times, i was determined.. Finally she gave in and we went out after work, this went on secretly for about a year then my mom found out and fired her.. i felt so bad for her I married her.. and we been together now about 27+ years..  And her and my mom became best of friends..


    Ah that's nice Vinny.You're the man!

    I don't have a mate, damn, and I wanted to answer this one......


    I haven't one now, either, my friend, but we will some day, God willing. At least I hope so. How about you?

    I wouldn't mind meeting someone new to me but, I'm not looking. I'm kind of liking being by myself.........

    God threw us together and we stuck.

    as trashy as it may sound a bowling i was not a gutter ball..


    what was your average

    '0' i was there for the pool tables.damm i miss those days.

    Now wait just a minute, daren1; I have been league bowling every season since 1974. I've made friends, had lovers, and almost bowled a perfect game a couple of times. It is my passion and I have a "bowling family" I love and have fun with every week. There are over 60 of us, ages 25 through 79!
    I'm going to "thank you" for your answer, but I want you and the Mrs. to roll a couple of games sometime really soon. It's a great sport; almost anyone can bowl. I know people in their 90's, people in wheelchairs, people with only one leg, stroke victims, and little kids who can barely hold the bowling ball!

    no disrespect to the sport nor you or the thousands that love the game but most would think meeting a date at a bowling alley is below par..

    Below par would be at the golf course, my friend! :D

    She picked me up in a bar. at a fraternity party. I married her for the FEP. Her mother always hated it when i say that.



    sorry, future earning potential

    A girl I was dating suggested a double date with my wife to be & her boyfriend.

    Big mistake on her part. As soon as we met we realized we were made for each other.

    Corny,but true!  The best thing that ever happened to be by far.


    Did the two women remain friends? It's not corny, Tommyh, it's very sweet!

    Friends? Sort of.They talk to each other (&me)but that's about it.It was a loooong time ago i guess she got over it.

    Blind date. We've been married 33 years and so far we still like each other!


    LIKING EACH OTHER MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE. Congrats on 33 years and many more!

    at school

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