    Depends on what one does for a living.....but does anyone look forward to the weekends or does it even matter?

    +3  Views: 557 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I do look forward to the weekends because I am usually firing my kiln on either Saturday or Sunday and opening the kiln is like Christmas.

    I work weekends, Thursday and Friday are my weekend.. yes i look forward to spending time with my wife, we go shopping and have a great time together (sometimes :) Today we went grocery shopping, that's always good for an argument or two, then we went to the tool shop so i could drool over the tools I have no use for or room for, then we went to the park and argued a bit, we make fun of people less fortunate than us and we envy those that have more than us so we call them names too and then we argue a bit and then go home.  I have a R/C helicopter (medium size) I ran it into her flower garden, she appreciated that because winter is coming on and now she doesn't need to chop down the dead ones, I did that and the live ones too  She's ticked off but so am I because her damn flowers busted my main rotor and that's another 24 bucks i gotta spend..I love my days off!!  Oh, I bought a flashlight on sale for a dollar and i bought the 1 year extended warranty for 10 bucks.. Good deal huh?? :) 


    The flashlight part is awesome!
    You are so accidentally cool Vinny!
    You are such a charmer.
    xo Fish

    Did a battery come with the flashlight?

    Battery?? I gotta get a battery?? You kidding me?? It's Chinese, do I need to buy a Chinese battery or can I just get a solar powered flashlight instead?? I have 90 days to take it back..


    You just made my day vinny

    It doesnt matter to me as i am a non worker but im sure most workers look forward to their weekends - unless they are depressed

    Doesn't matter to me, I've always had jobs where I've HAD to work week-ends, so on the occasional weekend I do get off I don't enjoy much because there are tons of sports on TV and everywhere I go is crowded and noisy, 'cause so many people do have weekends off. I particularly enjoy having weekdays off as I can much more easily schedule any kind of appointment and everywhere I go is less crowded and is easier to navigate and less frustrating. ;-]


    In most places this is very true

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