
    when there has been an emotional "trauma" of some sort (death of a loved one, end of a relationship, debilitating accident,  losing a job, etc).  I know three of them are DENIAL, ANGER, ACCEPTANCE.  What are the other two?  What is the order of experiencing them?

    +3  Views: 613 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Bargaining and hang on. let me remember....OH! depression....


    just what I needed, more depression. lol

    Knowing the basis helps the healing process...

    Had to spend the day with my housemate at the hosp and then to New Braunfels to see his mom... Long day

    I live in Paris/Reno TX - You're from New Braunfels? It's a small world - even in the Great State of Texas! LOL

    I live in Austin, I went to New Braunfels...

    My ex husband first went through denial then anger, bargaining, anger again, depression then acceptance. It was a year of hell but we are now friends. In fact better friends than when we were married.


    He did have a lot of issues, I'd had enough of dealing with it. Not really sure what you mean by me walking behind him.We are now divorced living in different areas. I don't walk behind anyone nor would I.

    Kubler-Ross model of grief has 5 stages, the two you are looking for  are barganing and depression. As I understand it we go through every stage but in what order is much dependent on the individual.


    Thank you, missactive. You have given me the resource in addition to the stages. I can get more information that way. Much appreciated.

    Bob/PKB - you're welcome, I'm glad to know it was helpful.

    I went through denial, then anger, then swooped into depression while I continued to be in denial and angry and bargaining.  It wasn't until I accepted that the depression lifted.

    Thank you for your answer, mom.  It has helped me see where I am with my latest crisis. At least it is taking less time to go through all those issues.


    Sorry to hear you are in yet another crisis. I often wonder how God grades each of us for ability to find the strength to get through these times. I realize with everything coming with my family that I'm able to pull strength in knowing He knows something more about my personality and what I am capable of.After each crisis passes we stand a little taller and stronger. Try to find both the yin and yang in every's there if you look hard enough.You chose your experiences in spirit so you would have the chance to grow. Have you considered that your strengths make you more beautiful? Your experiences have made you more empathetic and helpful to others. I see that all the time in your answer here. Take a big long breath...there is a reason for everything.You hold a lot of power in your pain.

    HELLO again. God carries me through everything. I may cry, whine, kick, and scream, but that's behind my own closed door. I always look to him for the ability to get up and going. Were it not for Him, I would not be. Try to remember He loves me just as I am, even if neither I nor anyone else does.
    Power in pain...that is an interesting concept. I will think on that some more.
    How are you and your family doing this week?

    I meant that it is the most painful times that force you to reach deep within are the ones that make you strong. Things are tough with my dad because his left side just isn't progressing and we are going to have to face him with it through the hospital staff soon. He has also developed a bladder infection which could become serious. It is what it is, we are together as a family and will pull through this. My dad is in his most difficult time in his life but yet he still tells me he is not a quitter. I am so proud of my dad and have to say that he is more my hero now than when I was a little girl.Thanks for asking. I hope you're feeling better today.

    I meant that it is the most painful times that force you to reach deep within are the ones that make you strong. Things are tough with my dad because his left side just isn't progressing and we are going to have to face him with it through the hospital staff soon. He has also developed a bladder infection which could become serious. It is what it is, we are together as a family and will pull through this. My dad is in his most difficult time in his life but yet he still tells me he is not a quitter. I am so proud of my dad and have to say that he is more my hero now than when I was a little girl.Thanks for asking. I hope you're feeling better today.

    When my dad was 79 1/2, he was in the hospital for a triple angioplasty (3 stents); the doctor recommended bypass, but my dad....
    Anyway, he went into cardiac arrest, had quadruple bypass surgery and was in the hospital for two months. When he was released, he had a tube in his stomach, into which my mother poured some "food" every couple of hours day and night. He had either had a stroke or the intubation had damaged his swallowing reflex. Food and drink went into his lungs, like air. The doctor said my dad would never eat another meal. My mom nursed my dad from September through March, determined that he would get better. I have a picture of them on December 9, 1993. They look horrible, all hunched over, exhausted. My dad was 80 the following March 25. I have another picture of them, dressed up to go out to dinner, big smiles on their faces. My dad had recovered! His voice was little more than a whisper, but he the tube was out of his stomach and we were off for a wonderful dinner party.
    I would never give up on the possibility your dad will recover more and more from his stroke. He should never give up; God works miracles every day. We'll keep him in our prayers!

    #4 Forgiving/acknowledgement

    #5 Moving on.


    Thank you, Chiangmai. Acceptance is a big one for me, most troublesome; I can live in denial indefinitely. The anger I try so hard to keep at a minimum. The depression is just part of my life. Moving on is probably the easiest! Forgiving is in my nature, though is not always instantaneous.

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