    why is my mom so mean

    because  she  is   mean

    +2  Views: 665 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Cause she loves you

    Depends what you mean, by been mean ?   Does she have alot of money,   on other hand, maybe she does not have lot of money to spare, if any.??

    I often thought my Mom was mean when I was growing up but it turns out that she was absolutely brilliant... and still is.

    Mums & dads sometimes do seem mean - but they have to keep you on the right road in life and love you lots.  

    sometimes i think my mom is mean but she actually loves you and wants you to be the best

    Because you can't do as you want you think she is mean? Just maybe she has been there and has learned something and wants to protect you from something. Ask her set down and talk without raising your voice.

    my mom is very mean too i don't think she loves me but she does sorry about that


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